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3D Exhibits and Accuray earn 2012 Ex Award

3D Exhibits, an exhibit and event design, fabrication and management agency, and its client Accuray, have won the 2012 Ex Award for Best Integrated Tradeshow Campaign. The Ex Awards, sponsored annually by Event Marketer magazine, are the world’s largest recognition program for event marketing professionals.

AccurayAccuray and 3D Exhibits took home the Ex Award for Accuray’s comprehensive and integrated program at ASTRO2011. This program leveraged pre-show outreach, a micro-site that enticed registered attendees to pre-schedule product demos—and a presentation that transitioned visitors from high-level overview to in-depth product discussions. Dynamic exhibit architecture articulated Accuray’s stature as a single company with two powerful treatment solutions, while innovative re-purposing of components from two previous exhibits reduced fabrication costs by 25 percent.

The exhibit experience used a custom lead generation system created by 3D Exhibits that linked with the demonstration registration platform. An exit survey via 3D evaluAct measured the exhibit’s success in increasing visitors’ likelihood to recommend Accuray.

“Integrating our demonstration registration with our lead generation enabled us to gain valuable insights into our customers and prospects,” said Celey Gaskill, director of marketing communications at Accuray.

3D Exhibits credits its win to the partnership it has forged with Accuray.

“This project was a true collaboration. Accuray involves us beyond exhibit design. Their trust enabled us to work beyond architecture to create this thorough, integrated approach,” said Nicole Genarella, vice president of marketing, 3D Exhibits.

  • Superior Logistics

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