During the late afternoon on Aug. 19, the DSL Group of Companies, which includes Display Supply & Lighting Inc. and Color Kinetics Distribution Inc., took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
The DSL team took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to honor the memory of Dennis Hale, a long-time friend and employee of CORT Tradeshow Furnishings and to honor the courageous battle being fought by another friend Michael Westcott, a long-time industry veteran.
DSL/CKDI is challenging all of the members of the Exhibit Designers and Producers Association (EDPA) and the Philips Color Kinetics Team in Burlington, Mass., to take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
Donations: Support the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge by making a donation to Mike Westcott’s preferred ALS charity: ALS Compassionate Care” in Falmouth, Mass., www.ccals.org or to the ALS Association.
To see the DSL Group of Companies take the challenge, watch the video here.