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Significant duties imposed on aluminum extrusions from China

The EDPA wants to share some information that it has recently learned with its members.

The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) recently reached a unanimous decision stating that dumped and subsidized imported aluminum extrusions from China have caused material harm to the U.S. domestic aluminum extrusion industry. This decision has led to the imposition of a significant anti-dumping duty, as well as a countervailing duty, effective on or about May 20, 2011. These duties will remain in effect for at least 5 years.

This case came about as a result of a petition filed by Aluminum Extrusions Fair Trade Committee. This committee was formed by a coalition of U.S. producers of aluminum extrusions and the United Steel, Paper, Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union (United Steelworkers). The investigation originally centered on the aluminum window manufacturing industry but the decision applies to all aluminum extrusions imported from China. The only exceptions to the imposition of the duties are fully assembled products, fully kitted finished products and finished heat sinks.

This means that as of the date of publication in the Federal Register, U.S. importers of aluminum extrusion subject to the duties, will be required to pay combined anti-dumping and countervailing duty cash deposits ranging from 41.3 to 407.43 percent.

It has been reported that trade enforcement authorities will be vigilant in their enforcement of this duty and will diligently pursue suspected illegal activity to avoid circumvention of this ruling.

The merchandise covered by the order is aluminum extrusions that are shapes and forms, produced by an extrusion process, made from aluminum alloys having metallic elements corresponding to the alloy series designations published by The Aluminum Association commencing with the numbers 1, 3, and 6.

Aluminum extrusions are produced and imported in a wide variety of shapes and forms, including, but not limited to, hollow profiles, other solid profiles, pipes, tubes, bars and rods. Aluminum extrusions that are drawn subsequent to extrusion (“drawn aluminum”) are also included in the scope.

Because the ITC determined that imports of aluminum extrusions from the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) are materially injuring a U.S. industry, all non-liquidated entries of such merchandise from the PRC, entered or withdrawn from warehouse, are subject to the assessment of antidumping duties.

This is just a synopsis of the ruling and its impact to keep members informed of an important decision that may impact this industry. If this ruling affects, or is suspected to affect your company, seek independent legal advice immediately.

Exhibit City News
contributed to this report.



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