Who are you and what do you do? How to market yourself

Whether by choice or by necessity, you are “in the market” for a new opportunity. Entering the job market can be a daunting prospect.

Jaynie Ellison

Jaynie Ellison

Job seekers often sell themselves short when trying to list or describe the skills that they possess. You must be confident in your skill set and understand what employers need and want. You have to add value to the bottom line both figuratively and literally. Identifying your skills and being able to present them effectively will make it much easier for you to convince a potential employer that you’re the right person for the job. Being able to identify your own skills and interests can actually demonstrate that you are more than qualified for the opportunities that you pursue.

The skills employers want
The U.S. Department of Labor and the American Association of Counseling and Development study, “Workplace Basics-The Skills Employers Want,” is a very useful place guide for identify the skills you should focus on in your job search (resume, interviews, etc).

Most of the skills employers want are either adaptive or transferable skills. Of course, specific job-related skills are important, but basic skills form a fundamental base for success on the job. Here are the top skills employers identified:

  1. Learning to learn
  2. Basic academic skills in reading, writing, and computation
  3. Creative thinking and problem solving
  4. Self-esteem, motivation, and goal setting
  5. Personal and career development skills
  6. Interpersonal/negotiation skills and teamwork

Identifying your developed skills
What is your experience? Think of the jobs you have trained for and worked in. Pinpoint the skills you’ve developed along your career path. Knowing and recognizing those areas of expertise and highlighting them to your advantage will get you the new job. Do not overlook the simple things.

Make a list. Remember not to rule anything out. Ensure that you spell out how they relate to the job you’re seeking. Take note of areas where you are particularly strong. The skills that you have were developed with time and hard work, so don’t be quick to discount them.

Finding your natural talents and abilities
Being able to distinguish your natural talents can help you to get ahead when trying to get the job of your dreams. Take a look at exactly what talents and natural abilities you have.  Many employers are interested in hiring people with talent who can complete assigned projects without struggling. Don’t be shy about emphasizing your talents. Never worry that it will sound like you’re bragging to mention these talents and abilities. That’s what interviews and applications are for. Having natural talent in certain areas and showing documented proof will help qualify you as being one of the best.

When you begin looking for a job, make sure you try to find potential employers who fall within some of your areas of interest. During an interview, job candidates are often asked exactly why they want to work for the company; being able to say that you’re genuinely interested in the work that they do and establishing that you are knowledgeable will help show that you will be a diligent team member and that you’ll stay engaged and active in your industry. When you are genuinely interested and enjoy what you do, it is evidenced in your demeanor and job performance.

Jaynie Ellison is the Director of Recruitment Services at ExhibitRecruiter, Inc. Established in 1998, ExhibitRecruiter has been the premier recruitment agency specializing in the exhibit and event industry for over a decade. ExhibitRecruiter has partnered with companies design and production of all sizes throughout the United States and Canada that specialize in trade show exhibits, museums, branded environments and event marketing. ExhibitRecruiter focuses exclusively in the experiential marketing sector. Her complete bio is on LinkedIn at: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jaynieellison She can also be reached at jaynie@ExhibitRecruiter.com Her direct line is 1-800-491-5434. For more information, go to www.ExhibitRecruiter.com.

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