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CDS debuts Geo Attendance Map

Convention Data Services (CDS) introduced the CDS Geo Attendance Map, a graphical and interactive program that displays a worldwide view of the event audience on a map of the U.S. and of the world, with states and countries shaded to indicate the number of participants from each location.

On a touchscreen monitor, attendees scroll over states and countries to view the number of participants from each and can scroll down to see the list of attendees from specific areas. The type of attendee information displayed is determined by show management and can range from the basics such as name and company, or demographic information including profession and industries served. Attendees can filter the results to view just attendees or exhibitors from certain areas or sort the results by any column in the list.

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The large, easy-to-understand interface of the Geo Attendance Map can be utilized in kiosks or cyber cafés onsite. Additionally, it can also be linked from the event website or the password protected CDS Registration Resource Center which is available to all event attendees and exhibitors.

Top Features of Geo Map

  • Easy to set up
  • Works with any CDS event database
  • Works on any size monitor that can display a browser
  • Works on touchscreen monitors
  • Allows show management to choose what attendee information to display
  • Has the ability to filter location results
  • Color scheme is customized to match the event brand
  • Options for setup: over the internet, the onsite network or free-standing
  • Real-time attendee counts with internet or network connectivity

“CDS’ new Geo Attendance Map is a creative way for show managers to engage their attendees and demonstrate the wide demographics of their event. Attendees first tested the new Geo Map onsite at an event in Boston and it received very positive reviews. By touching any of the screens displaying the map, they were able to see who had registered from different countries or from each of the states and use that information to create various research projects. The exhibitors found the data valuable in determining future investments,” says David Lawton, EVP of Sales at Convention Data Services.

For more information on CDS’ Geo Attendance Map, contact David Lawton, EVP of Sales, at to schedule a demo with a member of CDS’ experienced event team.

For close to 30 years Convention Data Services (CDS), located in Bourne, Mass., has provided state-of-the-art registration and onsite services, data management, exhibitor lead management services and event marketing to the tradeshow industry, serving the needs of businesses and nonprofit associations worldwide.

  • Superior Logistics

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