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Greetings to readers everywhere!

Time For Everyone To Crank Up Their Tradeshow Engines!

The heat across the nation is subsiding and the kids are back at school or college. Labor Day, the traditional end of Summer, also marks a quick acceleration of tradeshows and events across the country.

First of all, I want to wish everyone a safe and prosperous autumn season as you take care of your business and your customers. Successful tradeshows and events help drive our national economy and to create badly needed jobs.

In this edition of ECN we have features on the fastest-growing firms in our industry, new Expo’s on the horizon, in-depth looks at what’s new with tension fabric and how audiovisual components are playing a new and stronger role in the exhibit experience.

Until next time….
The Randy Smith Memorial Golf Classic (RSMGC): A reminder to all to support this worthwhile charity. This year the RSMGC is supporting ten recipient families. As everyone probably knows, one of this year’s recipients is Judy Kackley, my right hand of eight years.

The RSMGC is still looking for additional golfers, sponsors and volunteers for the big event this October. Although smaller regional events take place throughout the year, everything culminates in Atlanta in October. I’ll be there and I hope to see many of you there as well!

Don Svehla
Group Publisher

  • Superior Logistics

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