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Survey examines international exhibiting trends

The Exhibit Designers and Producers Association (EDPA) attracted 42 international guests to its ACCESS 2012 Conference and Showcase held in Palm Springs, Calif. The attendees, representing 18 countries, shared their views and also looked to network and learn more about the American marketplace.

During this year’s meeting, Larry Kulchawik, SVP of 3D Exhibits and past president of the EDPA and the International Federation of Exhibition and Event Services (IFES), conducted a learning session dedicated to international exhibiting for the EDPA TrendSpotters series.

The session focused on how exhibit suppliers from the seven regions of the world managed their customers outside of their home region. It also pointed out how exhibit design and regulations differed from one region to the next. A panel of experts representing each region of the world shared their thoughts, and responded to a recent survey conducted by Kulchawik on international exhibiting trends.


The seven regions of the tradeshow industry

The survey questions were sent to international exhibit suppliers from around the globe, representing each of the seven regions of the world.

The results confirmed much of what most international suppliers already knew, but the reasons shared for the choices companies make were open to different interpretations.

For example, the survey determined that the average U.S. exhibit suppliers only does 5 percent of their business outside of the U.S. The reason for this small percentage was discussed in the session and included the following responses.

• Plenty of U.S. business to keep them busy

• Their customers manage their international shows directly with their subsidiary offices

• Customers are not asking them for help there

• Control and cost issues

The five percent of international business that U.S. exhibit suppliers have was well below the average of other countries included in the study.

UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, first identified the seven regions of the tradeshow world. It is interesting to note that five countries account for 60 percent of all world venue space dedicated to tradeshow and event marketing. These five nations include Germany, China, France, Italy and the U.S.

If the list is increased to 10 countries, including Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Brazil and Russia, it accounts for 74 percent of all tradeshow exhibit space. UFI also pointed out in a recent study that of all the regions in the world, only representatives from the U.S. felt the impact of the economic crisis on the exhibition industry was now behind them. All other country regions feel that the downturn will continue into 2013.

Conclusions from the Trend Spotters survey and the UFI study point toward exhibit professionals needing to understand what is different in these 10 countries, especially regional regulations and labor practices. While there might not be a right way or a wrong way to do tradeshows, the differences need to be recognized. Other than by trial and error, being a part of world association groups like EDPA and IFES can help avoid unwelcome surprises when managing a world tradeshow program.

Additional results from Kulchawik’s internation survey on exhibiting trends:






  • Superior Logistics

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