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Fall 2020 EDPA Chapter News Roundup

Your Invitation to EDPA ACCESS 2020 is Here!

by H. K. Wilson

 EDPA Executive Director Dasher Lowe recently announced that registration for EDPA ACCESS 2020, the organization’s signature annual event, is now open. This year’s hybrid live/virtual event will take place December 1-3 at the La Cantera Resort in San Antonio, Texas.

“All necessary safety precautions are being implemented to ensure that ACCESS is held in a sanitized and thoughtfully planned environment. Because of this, we will be capping registration for the live event at 175 attendees so that our use of space is compliant with local social distancing guidelines.”

This year’s focus is on exploring solutions for getting the industry back to business. “EDPA is committed to providing our members—and the industry—with tools for reopening the industry and strategies for strengthening our member companies as we move forward.”

The roster also includes two powerhouse keynote speakers. Jim Gilmore, author of, “The Experience Economy,” will explore the topic: “Are We Still Experienced? – Reflections on the Experience Economy in and Beyond the Corona Crisis.” 360 Live Media Founder and CEO Don Neal will present: “What’s New. What’s Not. What to Do. Adapting to the New Model for Business Events in 2021.” Gilmore and Neal will follow with a point-counterpoint session.

EDPA ACCESS will also include a golf outing, Segway tours and a gala focused on giving and supporting.

Due to the hardships brought about by COVID, fees for ACCESS 2020 have been greatly reduced. Lowe encourages those who can to turn out in San Antonio. “More than ever, it’s crucial that we come together to show the business community that we are committed to the relaunching of face-to-face events. Please make plans to join us now.”

For more info or to register, visit www.edpa.com/access

EDPA Upper Midwest

Members Stay Informed Via Zoom

Charles PappasOn October 14, EDPA Upper Midwest chapter hosted a Zoom presentation featuring “EXHIBITOR” magazine’s senior writer Charles Pappas (pictured left). Pappas provided an update on COVID-19 and a summary of its impact on the face-to-face marketing industry here and abroad. He answered pressing questions about how tradeshows are overcoming the challenges of the pandemic by implementing measures including face masks, temperature testing, rigorous hotel room cleaning and contact tracing. The discussion was moderated by “EXHIBITOR’s” John Pavek.

EDPA Texas

Stronger Together — EDPA Provides Support and Connection

EDPA Texas Mental Health flyerThe stresses caused by COVID are contributing to a spike in depression and mental health concerns around the world. On October 30th, EDPA Texas chapter hosted a Zoom mental health panel. Contributors included Psychotherapist and Director of Operations at Chupik Counseling, Cindy Cassell; Director of Clinical Services at WellBridge Hospital Greater Dallas, Megan Hickman; and CEO of 15 Degrees North Consulting, LLC, CW Tillman. They each offered information and resources relating to suicide, suicide prevention, grief, depression and survivors’ remorse. The event is now available via video on all of the chapter’s social media platforms.

In addition to its regular Wednesday Zoom meetings, EDPA Texas is organizing a “Share Your Holiday Traditions” project for November. “This will be a conversation where people can share family recipes and traditions before the holiday season,” says Matthew Little, chapter president.

EDPA Texans are also looking forward to ACCESS 2020 — on their home turf in San Antonio — where they will be enthusiastically promoting chapter membership.

EDPA Midwest Chapter

Paying it Forward

EDPA MidwestOn October 15th, EDPA Midwest hosted a Zoom discussion called “Refocus Now” presented by Julie Couret, who detailed what everyone can do right now to refocus and remain relevant in their careers, whether they are currently employed, furloughed or seeking employment.

In lieu of the annual Strikes and Scares Bowling event to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association, this year, the Midwest chapter sponsored a day of kindness and giving, with members committing to perform random acts of kindness on or before Oct. 29th. Participants were automatically entered to win prizes. Enjoy some inspiration and see what Midwest members did at #EDPApaysitforward.

When asked, What is the most innovative idea you’ve seen or heard about in the tradeshow industry this year?, Midwest President Jacqueline Hake said: “The most innovative idea I’ve heard about the tradeshow industry this year is the coming together of our people and our resources to advocate for our jobs and our livelihoods. Sure, we have all pivoted to virtual and are making great strides to bridge the gap left by the cancellation of live events, but equally important, we have all bonded together to learn how we can advocate for our industry. Most of us have never written a letter to our representatives and now look at us, we have made these connections in Washington DC and have become the voice of our industry that until now, was a well kept secret. Our industry advocacy initiatives will eventually save our jobs and help our future endeavors.”

EDPA Southeast

Halloween Isn’t Just for Kids

Getting into the spirit of the season, EDPA Southeast chapter had planned to host a virtual Costumes and Cocktails Halloween Happy Hour via Zoom on October 29th. They invited everyone to “eat, drink and be scary,” and prizes were to be awarded for the best costumes. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, the event had to be cancelled.

EDPA Great Lakes

Remote Support for the Randy

2020 Great Lakes Randy collageOn Monday, September 28th, the EDPA Great Lakes chapter showed its support for the Randy Smith Memorial Foundation by hosting a ‘satellite’ golf outing to benefit the charity. The event drew 24 participants (pictured right). “It was held at Mystic Creek Golf Course in Milford, Michigan, and despite the rain, everyone had an absolute blast,” says Vizcomm director of sales/Kevin Sacharski, Great Lakes president. “It was excellent to see some of the most hard-working and creative people in our industry get together for a day of fun, camaraderie and charity.”

EDPA Las Vegas

Giving Doesn’t Stop With COVID

Like their Great Lakes counterparts, EDPA Las Vegas chapter members hosted their own day of golf in conjunction with the Randy Smith Memorial Golf Classic (pictured below left). Of the 15 golfers who participated, the winning team included Bryan Kenny and John Lopez from Derse and Bernie Massett  from MC2 with a score of 64. The  longest drive was made by Madison Kirkpatrick and closest to the pin was Cindy Brosnahan.

2020 Randy golfers LVAccording to EDPA Las Vegas chapter board member Rebecca Thompson, “Both Alicia Rosen and I were there to represent the chapter and cheer on the participants. It was a beautiful day weather wise and truly wonderful to catch up with industry friends, topped off by a zoom call with the many other supporters around the country,” adding, “a special note—my daughter Madison played in the last Vegas Randy and happened to be home for a little visit from UNR. Her golf partner today was Ret. Sgt. Zack Marsh who saved her life 15 years ago.”

If you’re missing the LVCC, the EDPA Las Vegas chapter will be holding its 10th Annual Tim Provo Memorial Blood Drive in conjunction with a clothing drive benefiting community partner Whitney Elementary School. You can join your trade show family on Wednesday, November 11 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Platinum 3 lot of the Las Vegas Convention Center, which is at the corner of Sierra Vista and University Center. Please reach out to Jen LaBruzza for more information: jen@classicexhibits.com.

EDPA California

Dynamic Leadership in Troubled Times

EDPA SoCal Ross Weitzberg 500xEDPA SoCal recently welcomed a new leader to its board of directors. Ross Weitzberg (pictured left), CEO of Exhibit Potential, is vice president. He serves alongside Steve Riches, chapter president and principal of Laguna Displays, and Vince Battaglia, chapter secretary and founder of TheTradeshowCalendar. As the coronavirus continues to pose challenges for the industry, EDPA SoCal is working tirelessly to provide up-to-date information, resources and support to its members. “I am looking forward to working with our SoCal team to create useful content that will help our industry get through these crazy times,” says Weitzberg.

The chapter hosts its next Zoom happy hour at 4:00 p.m. on November 5th. Its next educational event is scheduled on November 19th at 12:30 p.m. and will feature Scott Tokar, magician and founder of the Corporate-FX® tradeshow magic group.

An excerpt of this story originally appeared in the Nov./Dec. 2020 issue of Exhibit City News, p. 42. For original layout, visit https://issuu.com/exhibitcitynews/docs/ecn_nov-dec_2020

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