June 15, 2024 10:28 PM
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Grace Hopper Celebration Takes Place in September

According to a recent global survey of women and non-binary technologists conducted by AnitaB.org, a startling 100% of respondents reported harassment in their workplace. Nearly 94% have experienced discrimination. Since 2019, experiences in tech have gotten worse for all marginalized communities, including Black, Latinx, Asian-Pacific Islander, and Indigenous women and non-binary people.

Technology is used in almost all aspects of our lives. Yet, it is developed by cisgender white men (the largest demographic in tech), who generally cannot efficiently identify and address the specific needs of others outside of their demographics or psychographics. This massive flaw in the ecosystem has real-life implications for marginalized people, who are the global majority.

This September, AnitaB.org will host the annual Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC), the world’s largest conference for women and non-binary technologists, taking place on September 20- 23, 2022, at the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) in Orlando, Florida. This year’s hybrid conference, presented in partnership with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), will include a combination of exciting virtual and in-person offerings for the first time since 2019. Virtual registration is now open.

The Grace Hopper Celebration is particularly timely as Florida has implemented the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, adding censorship into their state legislature and highly disruptive events in Orlando!

This year’s theme, Next is NOW, is reflected in the powerful speaker lineup of tech innovators and thought leaders, including keynote speakers Brenda Darden Wilkerson and Frances Haugen.

Other featured speakers include:

See the 2022 speaker list.

  • Superior Logistics

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