Vince Belizario is an SVP, Global Account Director in our West Coast hub, where he leads award-winning brand experiences for Meta. Vince has been driving growth and change at Jack Morton for over 10 years; he is a founding member of our AAPI @ Jack ERG and has led DEIB efforts for our West Coast operations as a member of our global DEI Council. Vince is also a husband and father of two, as well as an avid adult USTA tennis player. He is currently co-captaining multiple teams and plays 2-3 nights a week!
We asked Vince what his advice is for AAPI talent trying to rise up to leadership roles in the marketing industry. As a mentor and advocate for rising AAPI talent, he had a wealth of advice to share:
“Keep pushing,” Vince encourages. “Continue to do what is right for your teams and clients. Defend your POV and offer your unique perspective. Differing opinions and healthy internal debates with colleagues usually result in the best work. It’s ok to be different, and your voice should be heard. Doing great work will support your development and rise within your industry.”
“No one is a better to advocate for you than yourself,” he adds. “If something interests you, ask how to get involved. Identify other AAPI leaders in your industry and learn how they got to be where they are in their careers. Listen to their stories; you may find that their individual experiences are like yours, and they may have some lessons learned that can help you ascend quicker than they did.”
What is AAPI
source Jack Morton Worldwide, LinkedIn