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A Guide to Creating Sustainable Events

Few people realize that using paper instead of plastic is significantly better for the environment. Most plastics are not recyclable or simply not being recycled. In the U.S., for instance, only 8% of plastic is recovered and recycled while 66% of all paper is recycled. 

In a Cradle to Grave life cycle assessment by Aspire Sustainability Group, it was determined that engineered paper has a 79% smaller carbon footprint than PVC plastic. The study also concludes engineered paper uses 38% less water and generates 28% less solid waste.

Today’s media buzz is about publicly traded companies’ ESG scores. ESG (Environmentally, Social & Governance) measures criteria for socially conscious investors who evaluate how a company performs as a steward of nature. Using paper instead of plastic wherever possible is better for the environment and would contribute to higher ESG scores and LEEDS credit. 

“So why aren’t all companies following the lead of the events industry?” asks Don Soubolsky, president of Lollipop Signs by Moving Products. “Most people know that eliminating plastic waste is a good thing for all businesses but simply don’t know that an eco-friendlier option is now available. We have just launched a product line of banners and signs to eliminate plastic waste. Engineered paper banners perform equally to plastic in every way but are more environmentally friendly.”

Lollipop Signs by Moving Products has published 7 Easy Steps to Sustainable Events that include reducing carbon footprint, using paper instead of plastic, making recycling easy, partnering with food rescue to donate extra food and eliminating single-use signs. The publication is available at

Lollipop Signs by Moving Products is an international company based in Calgary, Alberta, and has been serving Olympic Sponsors since 1988.  Lollipop signs were first used at the Olympics and are now sold to many large events worldwide. For more info, visit        

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