Who’s On Your Crew? Nominate an I&D ACE

ACE Awards logo no year

Exhibit City News magazine is proud to honor the men and women on your crew with the first national awards honoring I&D, contractors and laborers who make the tradeshows and events HAPPEN!

ECN’s I&D ACE Awards are for those who bring excellence to the show floors and exhibit houses. I&D Aces are to be recognized for their dedication to company, customer, facility, union and co-workers—for going above and beyond with their hard work, loyalty and dedication.

ECN ACE honorees (and the company that nominated them) will receive a plaque at a regional celebration, editorial coverage in ECN‘s print magazine, website, social media and e-newsletter, and will also receive a short guest spot on ECN‘s upcoming soon-to-be-named podcast debuting in 2023!

Step 1: Select a Category

If you’re nominating someone for more than one category/award, you will be charged a separate entry fee for each category entered. Aces may nominate themselves – or be nominated by their employer, union, facility or by a co-worker.

Regional I&D ACE awardBest Traveling Lead ACE awardBest City or Regional Manager ACE awardRookie of the Year ACE award (less than two years working the show floor)Seasoned Show Floor Veteran of the Year ACE award (more than 20 years in the industry)Firefighter of the Year ACE Award (Best Person to Put Out Those Fires!)William F. Nixon, Sr., Lifetime Achievement ACE award (more than 30 years in the industry)ECN’s Posthumous Hall of Fame I&D ACE award 

Select region where the ACE is based out of:
Northeast: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont”
Southeast: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North & South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia
Midwest: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North & South Dakota, Ohio and Wisconsin
Central: Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas
Northwest: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming
Southwest: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah
International: Asia, Arabia/Africa, Australia, Canada, Europe, Mexico/South and Central America

Step 2: Entrant Information

* indicates required

Step 3: Entry Requirements

  • Must submit at least two high-res images of the ACE being nominated – one headshot and a candid photo.
  • Must submit at least one (maximum three) testimonial/letters from satisfied clients (this may be a letter from anytime during their career)
  • May submit a recommendation/commendation (maximum three) from a co-worker/employer/union/ EACA member (this may be from the person or company nominating them or anytime during their career) or use the nominator’s description (if someone other than yourself is nominating you).

Describe how and why your crew’s ACE deserves the ECN I&D ACE award. Please print and then sign the form. You should receive confirmation within 24 hours that ECN has received your entry. Entries must be submitted by 5 p.m. PDT on December 1, 2022 for consideration for Northeast & Southeast ACEs.

Nominator should write a few words (or a good story) about how and why your crew’s ACE deserves this award.

Nominators may scan the letter(s), take a photo of the letter(s) (judges must be able to read it) and upload it below or email it to AceAwards@exhibitcitynews.com. Or, they may send a copy of the letter by snail mail to Ace Awards Nominations, 1675 E. Desert Inn Road, Las Vegas, NV 89169. Entries must be postmarked and received by December 1, 2022 for Northeast and Southeast ACE submissions.

Step 4: Nominated By

ACES may nominate themselves or be nominated by their employer, union, facility or by a co-worker.

(for high-res headshot and candid pictures and customer commendation letter)

Step 5: Payment Information

Deadlines and Entry Fees

Deadlines: December 1, 2022 for Northeast & Southeast ACE submissions, $175

March 1, 2023 for Midwest & Central ECN ACEs submissions, $175
June 1, 2023 for Northwest & Southwest ECN ACEs submissions, $175
Sept. 1, 2023 for International ECN ACEs submissions, $175

Payment is collected via the online form and must be made in U.S. funds via Visa, MasterCard, or American Express.
To be eligible, all entry requirements must be submitted on or before the deadline. Entries submitted without all requirements will not be considered, and entry fees will not be refunded. Failure to provide an interview or significant discrepancies between the entry and information provided after judging could result in forfeiture of the award.



Step 6: Verification

Questions about the nominating or becoming an ACE Awards SPONSOR? Visit our Sponsorship page. Contact Don Svelha, dons@exhibitcitynews.com or Christy DiGiambattista, christyd@exhibitcitynews.com.

Exhibit City News