Alyssa Menten Promoted to Condit Account Director

Condit recently announced that Alyssa Menten has been promoted from account manager to account director.

Menten was a Condit client before she was an employee. She has tradeshow experience on the client side at Wowza Media Systems and Webroot, where she worked as a tradeshow manager, and she also has agency experience from her time at Czarnowski, where she worked as an account manager. In her free time, Menten enjoys supporting her hometown sports teams, especially the Denver Nuggets and Denver Broncos; indoor rowing; traveling; and spending time with her family, her cat, Muffin, and her dog, Bagel, (aka her “Baked Goods”), and she never turns down a good shopping spree.

Menten says of her experience working at Condit, “Condit is a place where creativity and collaboration run deep. I knew from the moment that I stepped inside the doors that I wanted to be a part of the work that was being done here. Every day brings new adventures, and I feel grateful to be a member of a team that gets to create so many unique experiences for such a wide range of clients.”

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