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Amenities Build Loyalty, Research Says

2016.06.13 Attendee Retention Part Four COVER 500x386

In the fourth installment of a five-report series examining attendee loyalty, the Center for Exhibition Industry Research says that the amenities and ancillary activities of an event are among the most significant instigators of return business for future gatherings.

“When it comes to special activities and amenities that drive repeat attendance,” said CEIR president and CEO Brian Casey, “this study highlights the importance of giving alumni the tools to have productive and hassle-free visits and settings beyond the show floor and education classrooms that facilitate meaningful face-to-face engagements.” Amenities that simplify logistics for attendees as well as those that bring participants together for interaction are particularly prized by those participating in the survey.

The report slices results by demographics and industry segments, but across the board, more than 84 percent of the respondents said having free Wi-Fi was important to them at events, as was the presence of ample open seating areas. Two-thirds of all respondents also reported that they travel to an event with colleagues and that they have articulable goals they are coming to achieve.

The series, called 2016 Attendee Retention Insights, is available from CEIR at

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