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American Rabbit Breeders to Hop Into Western Mass. for 2018 Convention

nippers-geronimoAt right, At 31 and 1/8 inches long, Nipper’s Geronimo holds the Guinness World Record for longest rabbit ears.

The American Rabbit Breeders Association has chosen Eastern States Exposition of West Springfield, Mass., as the host site for its 2018 National Convention, according to Mary Kay Wydra, president of the Greater Springfield Convention & Visitors Bureau.

Wydra, accompanied by GSCVB Director of Sales Alicia Szenda, traveled to Del Mar, CA to attend an ARBA board of directors meeting and pitch Western MA as a convention site earlier this month.  A vote was taken and the decision was announced immediately following the presentation.

“We’re thrilled that the ARBA will be coming here for their 2018 convention,” said Wydra.  “The group will generate almost 6,000 room nights and – as with all meetings and conventions – an appreciable economic impact that we estimate to be approximately $3.3 million.  Our presentation reinforced Western MA as an ideal convention setting, and we let them know that their group will be made welcome with the myriad of hospitality services we provide.”

According to Randy Gebelein, 2018 Convention general chair from Mendon, Mass.,, “We look forward to holding our 95th annual convention in Western MA.  We’ll be working with top notch facilities as we plan the conference and book accommodations for our 1,500 attendees, so we’re confident that the event will go well.”

“This is a welcome opportunity to bring another national show to the Exposition grounds,” said Eastern States President and CEO Eugene Cassidy.  “It’s a terrific example of what can happen when the area’s attractions partner with the Bureau to bring more events into the region.”

The 2018 convention will take place October 27 – 31.  Other cities that have had or will host ARBA conventions include Harrisburg, PA (2013), Fort Worth, TX (2014), Portland, OR (2015), Del Mar, CA (2016) and Indianapolis, IN (2017).

The ARBA is dedicated to the promotion, development and improvement of the domestic rabbit and cavy. With over 21,000 members throughout the United States, Canada, and abroad, members range from the pet owner with one rabbit or cavy to the breeder or commercial raiser with several hundred animals. Each aspect of the rabbit and cavy industry whether it be fancy (for exhibition), as a pet, or for commercial value, is encouraged by the organization.

The GSCVB, an affiliate of the Economic Development Council of Western MA, is a private non-profit destination marketing organization dedicated to promoting Massachusetts’ Pioneer Valley for meetings and conventions, group tours, sports and leisure travel. Visit


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