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Business Beacon: Navigating Growth

Tackling Growing Pains Challenges

By Pat Alacqua and Jane Gentry


Imagine this: Your business is thriving—sales are up, you’re adding employees, serving more customers, and expanding into new markets. It’s the kind of growth every business leader dreams of.

As the weeks go by though, unsettling issues start to surface. New hires are confused about their roles, leading to inefficiencies. Managers who once had everything under control are now stretched thin, struggling to provide the direction and support your team needs.

Processes that were once efficient are slowing down, causing delays and frustrations. Fires are popping up left and right, distracting you from strategic priorities, and your employees are starting to feel insecure about their place in the company.

What’s going on?

You’ve done everything right—invested in growth, hired great people, and expanded your reach. Yet, instead of celebrating your success, you’re now dealing with problems that weren’t there before.

The Growing Pains of Success

As your business grows, internal processes and organizational infrastructure often don’t keep pace with the expansion. This creates a gap—a mismatch between what your organization needs and what it can currently handle.

And that gap is where growing pains live. Invisible signposts like role confusion, overwhelmed managers, constant firefighting, and employee insecurity signal deeper issues needing attention.

Growing pains are the difficulties businesses face as they expand. They happen when the systems, structures, and processes that once supported the organization can no longer keep up with its size and complexity. These organizational development gaps—whether in leadership, communication, infrastructure, or resource management—can hinder your company’s ability to sustain growth. Recognizing and addressing these gaps is critical for smooth, sustainable growth.

Milestones on the Road to Success

Let’s explore a customizable roadmap designed to guide you from startup to a sustainable enterprise. This journey highlights key milestones and identifies the invisible signposts that, if not addressed, could steer your company off course.

While we’ll outline a typical sequence, remember that every company is unique. The order of these steps and milestones may vary depending on your specific circumstances and growth stages. This roadmap is adaptable to your company’s individual needs and challenges, ensuring you can effectively navigate the path to long-term success.

Milestone #1: Culture
Your company’s culture is the bedrock of sustainable growth. As your business grows, maintaining a strong, adaptive culture is essential. Address conflicts head-on and eliminate activities that don’t contribute to profitability.

Milestone #2: Recruiting Systems
As your company scales, so must your talent. Set clear recruiting goals for managers and tie them to performance appraisals. This ensures your team grows in line with your business strategies.

Milestone #3: Operational Productivity
Operational productivity is the backbone of a growing company. Empower employees, streamline processes, and ensure alignment with your goals. Decentralize decision-making, clearly define roles and responsibilities, and align rewards with profit generation.

Milestone #4: Planning Systems
Create a consistent planning process. Establish ongoing goals, design budgets, and ensure timely and accurate information is available throughout the organization.

Milestone #5: Company Performance Assessment
Implement feedback systems to ensure alignment and make necessary adjustments. Set up effective meeting management and communication channels, so everyone knows what’s happening and what their roles are.

The Quick Win: Self-Assessment for Growing Pains

Before we dive deeper, take a moment to evaluate where your company stands. Access our Quick Win Self-Assessment at to pinpoint the growing pains in your organization. This tool will help you identify the areas needing immediate attention, so you can start addressing the issues before they hinder your growth.

The Invisible Signposts of Growing Pains

As you navigate growth, be mindful of these 10 invisible signposts—critical pressure points that could signal potential issues. These signposts can appear in different sequences and at any stage of your business journey and addressing them promptly is key to staying on course.

1. Uncertainty About Organizational Direction: When employees are unclear about the company’s goals or vision, confusion and lack of focus can follow.

2. Lack of Role Clarity: Unclear roles lead to inefficiency. Ensure every team member understands their responsibilities and how they fit into the bigger picture.

3. Shortage of Effective Managers: As complexity increases, you need skilled managers to lead teams and make strategic decisions.

4. Feeling Overwhelmed by Workload: Overloaded employees and managers can lead to burnout and mistakes. Proper systems and delegation are essential.

5. Constantly Putting Out Fires: A reactive environment where immediate problems overshadow strategic goals indicates deeper issues that need addressing.

6. Employee Insecurity: When employees feel insecure about their jobs or the company’s direction, morale and productivity suffer.

7. Unproductive Meetings: Poorly structured meetings waste time and resources. Focus on clear objectives and actionable outcomes.

8. Reluctance to Delegate: Leaders who avoid delegation overload themselves and miss out on focusing on strategic activities.

9. Lack of Follow-Up on Plans: When plans are made but not followed up on, it indicates a disconnect between strategy and execution.

10. Sales Growth Without Profit Growth: Increasing sales without a corresponding rise in profitability often results from inefficiencies or a focus on top-line growth at the expense of the bottom line.

The Momentum Mindset

The road to the next level is filled with challenges, but adopting a Momentum Mindset can help you stay committed to your goals. Reflect on these six qualities and consider how you and your team can embrace them:

1. Continually Act: Take consistent steps toward your goals.

2. Embrace Resilience: Learn from failure, adapt, and keep moving.

3. Prioritize Progress: Focus on incremental improvements.

4. Promote Proactive Decision-Making: Anticipate challenges and take preemptive action.

5. Promote Personal Accountability: Take ownership and set goals.

6. Adapt: Stay flexible in the face of change.

Call to Action: Take Control of Your Growth

Growing pains are a natural part of business success, but they don’t have to derail your progress. Don’t wait until these challenges start affecting your bottom line. Act now to identify and address the invisible signposts that signal deeper issues.

Start by taking our Quick Win Self-Assessment and pinpointing where your organization is struggling.

Remember, your company’s growth should bring more progress than pain. As you lead your organization to the next level, let us know how we can help.

Pat Alacqua and Jane Gentry’s Optimum Value Blueprint services help tradeshow and event business leaders build and realize wealth through their business-building journey. Take a closer look at your growing organization. Access their Quick Win Self-Assessment at Identify the growing pain signposts in your business and take proactive steps to strengthen your company’s infrastructure for continued success.


This story originally appeared in the Q4 2024 issue of Exhibit City News, p. 32. For original layout, visit

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