• Superior Logistics


Finding the right show

Hello Class. Good to be back with yet another TradeShow Teacher lesson. Today, we’ll be talking about doing your homework during your show selection process.

Greetings to readers everywhere!

As we go to press, news continues to develop regarding Chicago’s Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority (MPEA). Our cover story on the MPEA board issuing

Random thoughts on aging

The other night I saw an ad on TV sponsored by the AARP.  In the ad, several folks in their 50s to 60s were talking

Hurry up and wait

“The whole world is watching” was the chant that arose from demonstrators at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968. Chicago was the focal

Greetings to readers everywhere!

Spring is in the air, and even though this print edition once again has company closure announcements, board shakeup coverage at an industry critical convention

Zimmerman celebrates two decades

Mark Zimmerman, general manager of the Georgia World Congress Center, has a big smile, an easygoing personality and a 3.9 million square-foot convention complex to

A Salute to I & D Labor

I am writing this column from my hotel room, directly across from the Anaheim Convention Center in the middle of the day. I can do

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