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E2MA Relaunches with EACA Focus

Association Decides to Re-organize as EACA The Board of Directors of the E2MA, (Exhibit & Event Marketers Association), the non-profit organization for corporate marketers, and

ASAE Adopts Anti-Discrimination Clause

At right, ASAE President and CEO John H. Graham IV, FASAE, CAE, at a press conference held during the annual ASAE meeting The American Society

CEIR Predict 2016 Hits Record Number of Attendees

Top Executives Gain Insight into Industry Future Trends Predict: CEIR’s Annual Exhibition Industry Outlook Conference drew a record-breaking 164 attendees, all top level executives who

IAEE Announces 2016 Helen Brett Scholars

The International Association of Exhibitions and Events congratulates the recipients of the 2016 Helen Brett Scholarship awards (pictured above left to right): Sarah Chung, Jordan

HCEA Announces 2016/2017 Board of Directors

The Healthcare Convention & Exhibitors Association is pleased to announce its 2016/2017 Board of Directors.  The 2016/2017 HCEA Board, which officially took office on August

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