• Superior Logistics



CommerceNext Lands on The Inc. 5000

Inc. revealed that CommerceNext, an event series and annual conference for marketers at retail and direct-to-consumer brands, is No. 277 in Advertising & Marketing and


AHR Returns to Atlanta in February

AHR Expo (International AirConditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition) will return to Atlanta at the Georgia World Congress Center February 6 – 8, 2023. “If Vegas is


Atlanta Meta World Introduced

by Kerstan Szczepanski On Thursday, August 25, the Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau held a virtual press event to announce “Atlanta Meta World, the first-of-its-kind


ASAE Turns Disruption into Opportunity

Nearly 5,000 association professionals, industry partners and consultants recently embraced the theme of the 2022 ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition in Nashville, turning the disruption of the


A Taste of Philly on Don and Mike

Don was in Atlanta this week attending an Aluvision training event while Mike was in PA in meetings and facility visit. Three industry veterans in

SuperZoo a Success!

by Philip Cox, Exhibit City News     THERE’S NO EXPERIENCE LIKE THE SUPERZOO EXPERIENCE What do you get when you put 20,000+ pet professionals

Pennsylvania Convention Center Hosts Backpack Drive

On Tuesday, August 16, the Pennsylvania Convention Center Authority hosted a backpack drive to provide 200 backpacks with supplies to students in foster care through Methodist Family Support Services. The

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