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Columbus to welcome a top 200 U.S. tradeshow

AmericanHort’s Cultivate, the largest tradeshow for thousands of horticulture professionals throughout North America, is scheduled July 11-14 at Greater Columbus Convention Center in Ohio.

The show brings together garden center retailers, greenhouse growers, nursery growers, florists, interior plantscapers, landscapers, emerging professionals and industry suppliers.

ECN 072015_MDW_Columbus to welcome a top 200 U.S. tradeshow (resized)Featuring a vast arrangement of educational sessions, a Solutions and Retail Marketplace and tradeshow exhibits, AmericanHort’s Cultivate includes activities for young professionals and more. Throughout the convention center, attendees will find colorful horticulture displays.

Educational sessions run from July 11-14, with tradeshow hours scheduled July 12 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; July 13 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and July 14 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Recognized as one of Trade Show News Network’s Top 200 largest and fastest-growing trade shows in the country, AmericanHort’s Cultivate is the largest all-encompassing horticulture event in North America.

  • Superior Logistics

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