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D.E. McNabb Flooring Opens Las Vegas Office with a Party!

(Pictured: D.E. McNabb’s Milford staff came to help open the Las Vegas office, L-R: Tom Chester, LV foreman; Jake Simmons, account manager; Betsy Call, tradeshow operations; Jeremy Drenchen, director of show coordination; Zach Rossetter, LV account manager; Matt Kress, director of operations; Aaron Smith, director of tradeshow; John Mitter, controller; and David Sims, LV warehouse manager)

by F. Andrew Taylor

McNabb-People-around-tableMcNabb-Golf-D.E. McNabb Flooring welcomed visitors to its new Las Vegas office at 6283 S. Valley View on May 15. Industry professionals were invited to check out the new west coast expansion for the 68-year-old company. Barbeque and beverages were provided along with the opportunity to play games, including cornhole and golf, with visitors and staff trying their hands at a seemingly impossible 100-foot putt. The task proved to actually be possible for a few. The staff looks forward to serving the events industry in Las Vegas and the west coast and exploring their new town.

This story originally appeared in the July/August issue of Exhibit City News, p. 70. For original layout, visit


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