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EACA’s Glass Slippers of the Month: LVCC & NAB Show Cares Initiative

With apologies to Cinderella, EACA would like to present a couple of “Glass Slipper Awards.” Here’s some deserving recipients and their stories that make us proud to work in the tradeshow industry.

Glass Slipper for the LVCC

Congratulations to the Las Vegas Convention Center. In an effort to recognize the value of the collective efforts of the EAC community, and its impact on the servicing of exhibitors at shows in their facility, senior management of the LVCC organized a meeting with the EAC community in Las Vegas recently.

A number of topics were covered that were of mutual interest to both the building and EACs like parking, security and use of the docks for unloading equipment. And while there are still a number of issues that need to be worked through and resolved, the very idea that facility management initiated this dialogue with the EAC community is a terrific step forward for events at the LVCC.

The outcome of this effort was undeniable. LVCC management is excited about the prospects for stronger relations with EACs in Las Vegas, and the EAC community is pleased and proud to be recognized as a valued component of the Las Vegas tradeshow service offering.

Glass Slipper for NAB Show Cares

Congratulations to the National Association of Broadcasters: Developed in response to exhibitor complaints about the cost and unpredictability of exhibiting expenses, NAB has introduced the NAB Show Cares program.

Launched just in time for the 2019 booth space sales held onsite at the 2018 NAB Show last April, a key aspect of NAB Show Cares is the Unlimited Material Handling initiative.  This initiative reduces fees for moving freight from dock to booth and back via a fixed rate per square foot that covers any or all items an exhibitor brings into the show regardless of quantity, weight or volume.

Instead of receiving an invoice for material handling after the show, exhibitors simply pay for the service up front when they purchase their booth space. While some exhibitors who previously didn’t use the service will now pay a minimal fee, the initiative has resulted in an overall average savings of nearly 40 percent and up for some of the larger exhibiting companies.

This story originally appeared in the November/December issue of Exhibit City News, p. 46. For original layout, visit https://issuu.com/exhibitcitynews/docs/ecn_flipbook_novdec2018  Editor’s Note: This column originally was entitled EACA’s “Glass Slipper v. Golden Fleece Awards” but the recipient of the November’s Golden Fleece award has requested that we “publish a full and fair retraction of the ‘libelous’ article with an apology.” So, on behalf of Jim Wurm, EACA’s executive director and writer, and on behalf of Exhibit City News magazine, we apologize to Exhibit Experience for any damage to their reputation and we have retracted the story. 

Jim Wurm is the exec. director of EACA, an association dedicated to “raising the level of service excellence on the showfloor,” with 30 years of tradeshow marketing and show management experience. Contact him at jimwurm@eaca.com.


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