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ESCA Cancels In-Person Summer Conference

After much debate and consideration, the Exhibition Services & Contractors Association has decided to cancel this year’s in-person ESCA Summer Educational Conference, which would have been their 31st annual conference.

Larry Arnaudet ESCA“We were looking forward to all that the event had in store, from outstanding networking to industry-relevant education and great entertainment,” says Larry Arnaudet (pictured right), executive director of ESCA. “We will mostly miss seeing all of your smiling faces and learning of the latest news from your world. Canceling this event was not an easy decision, nor was it taken lightly by the ESCA Board of Directors, but we all feel that it is in our membership’s best interest with our business’s current impact in mind. We feel your pain and wish there was more that we could do to assist you. Everyone recognizes that these are challenging and unprecedented times.

ESCA Omni Grove Park Inn back“The ESCA staff and Board of Directors would like to thank our partners, membership, and the industry as a whole for their ongoing cooperation and adaptability,” he continues. “Though we will not hold this meeting in person, we will continue to come together as one industry with IAEE, SISO, MPI, TSEA, PCMA, EIC, IAVM, EDPA, UFI and CEIR and to secure what relief we can for our membership while providing support in any way we can. We will be looking at continuing our educational program virtually, so stay tuned for more information as we solidify those plans. We plan to host the 2022 ESCA Summer Educational Conference at the Omni Grove Park Inn in Asheville, North Carolina (pictured left). We are also planning on having our Winter Awards Ceremony in Philadelphia this December and hope to see you all in person at both of those exciting events!”

Since 1970, ESCA has provided a unified voice for service contractors and their partners in the exhibition industry. ESCA now has more than 170 member companies throughout the United States and Canada and maintains alliances with IAEE, SISO, MPI, TSEA, PCMA, EIC, IAVM, EDPA, UFI and CEIR to promote the exhibition industry. ESCA is dedicated to the advancement of the exhibition, meetings, and special events industries. Through the education, information exchange, and level of professionalism shared by members and their customers, ESCA promotes cooperation among all areas of the exhibition industry. For more info, visit

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