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ESPA accepting nominations for CSM of the Year Award

Each year, Successful Meetings magazine and the Event Service Professionals Association (ESPA) team up to present the 37th Annual CSM of the Year Awards to convention service managers (CSM).

ECN 092014_NTL_CSM of the Year Award - Successful Meetings mag coverIf you are a meeting planner and in the past year you’ve worked with a CSM who did a terrific job on your meeting, we’d like to hear about it. We’ll be honoring CSMs who work for three types of organizations:

  1. Resorts, hotels and hotels with conference facilities
  2. Convention centers (facilities without sleeping rooms)
  3. Convention & Visitor Bureaus or Destination Marketing Organizations

So if you’ve worked with a CSM who truly went above and beyond the call of duty to fix a problem, find a resource or just generally make sure that you looked good, here is the opportunity to get him or her some real recognition – not only from you, but from his or her employer and the industry as well.

The winners will be honored at a ceremony at ESPAs annual conference in Chicago in January 2015. Good CSMs are worth their weight in gold. If you know of one, let them know.

Nominations are due by Nov. 3.

To nominate a deserving CSM, go to


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