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EuroShop 2017 – Mecca for Retail Designers, Architects and Planners, March 5-9

Duesseldorf, DEU. 18.02.2014. EuroShop 2014, The World´s Leading Retail Trade Fair, vom 16. bis 20. Februar Maerz 2014 in Duesseldorf. Die EuroShop ist sowohl die weltweit groesste Investitionsguetermesse fuer den Handel und seine Partner, als auch eine unerlaessliche Plattform fuer Zukunftstrends, Visionen und Retail-Impressionen zum Anfassen. Mit 115.472 m² Netto-Ausstellungsflaeche und 2.226 Ausstellern aus 57 Laendern ist sie so gross wie nie zuvor. Die diesjaehrige EuroShop in ihrer 45 jaehrigen Geschichte: ueber 2.000 Aussteller aus 53 Laendern praesentieren neueste Produkte, innovative Loesungen und kreatives Design speziell fuer den Handel auf ueber 107.000 Netto-Quadratmetern Ausstellungsflaeche. EuroShop 2014, The World´s Leading Retail Trade Fair, 16 to 20 February 2014 in Duesseldorf. It is both the world’s most important capital goods trade fair for the retail trade and its partners and also an indispensable platform for tangible future trends, visions and impressions. With 115.472 m² net exhibitions space and 2.226 exhibitors from 57 countries, EuroShop 2014 will be bigger than ever before. Foto: Constanze Tillmann, Exploitation right Messe Duesseldorf, M e s s e p l a t z, D-40474 D u e s s e l d o r f,; eine h o n o r a r f r e i e Nutzung des Bildes ist nur fuer journalistische Berichterstattung, bei vollstaendiger Namensnennung des Urhebers gem. Par. 13 UrhG (Foto: Messe Duesseldorf / ctillmann) und Beleg moeglich; Verwendung ausserhalb journalistischer Zwecke nur nach schriftlicher Vereinbarung mit dem Urheber; soweit nicht ausdruecklich vermerkt werden keine Persoenlichkeits-, Eigentums-, Kunst- oder Markenrechte eingeraeumt. Die Einholung dieser Rechte obliegt dem Nutzer; Jede Weitergabe des Bildes an Dritte ohne Genehmigung ist untersagt | Any usage and publication only for editorial use, commercial use and advertising only after agreement; unless otherwise stated: no Model release, property release or other tArchitecture & Design Forum: Practical Lectures by International Specialists; Presentation of the EuroShop Retail Design Awards 2017

EuroShop 2017 is the world’s leading trade fair for retail investment needs. Boasting in excess of 126,000 square meters net exhibition space, 18 exhibition halls and to the tune of 2,400 exhibitors from 61 countries this edition will be bigger than ever before in its 50-year history.

Architecture and retail design play a particularly central role in many areas of EuroShop. Not only exhibitors at their stands but also the EuroShop Specials will provide plenty of inspiration and networking opportunities. At the Designer Village renowned architects and designers will present their latest retail projects as well as innovative and individual concepts allowing retailers to make their shop areas more attractive. Special presentations such as the Lighting Designers’ Zone, for example, where independent lighting designers are presented or the Italian Lighting Lounge that is exclusively dedicated to extraordinary lighting solutions “Made in Italy,” serve as additional centers of attraction.

Furthermore, the EuroShop Architecture & Design Forum doubles as the central lecture area for all things store design, architecture, lighting, shop fitting and visual merchandising. On all five days of the trade fair it will offer practitioners’ talks (simultaneously interpreted into German/English) at Stand E 02 in Hall 10, Stand E 02. Attendance is free. Find just a few isolated examples here:

– “Light Years Ahead. Architecture and Marketing, as Connected as Ever”

– “Humanizing Retail: Designing Purposeful Stores for People, Not Products”

– “Target-Group Focused Lighting of Shop & Retail Areas”

– “Retail Design Trends in North America, featuring Some Examples of Best Practice”

– “From Shop Keeping to Thrill Seeking: What Retailers can Learn from Music Festivals”

– “Retail Expansion: Implementation of Store Concepts on the International Market Made Easy (with Best Practices)”

Proving a highlight for all architects, planners and designers should be the presentation of the renowned EuroShop Retail Design Awards for the world’s best store concepts. The Awards will be presented on the evening of 5 March by the EHI Retail Institute jointly with Messe Düsseldorf (by invitation only). The award-winning projects will be presented at the Architecture & Design Forum at EuroShop 2017 on 6 March between 12.15 pm and 1.45 pm.

EuroShop 2017 is open for trade visitors from Sunday, 5 March 2017, to Thursday, 9 March 2017, daily from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm. 1-day tickets cost EUR 70.- (EUR 50.- purchased online beforehand (e-Ticket)),  2-day tickets cost EUR 90.- (EUR 70.- purchased online beforehand) and season tickets are EUR 150.- (EUR 130.- purchased online beforehand). Admission tickets include a free return trip to EuroShop on public transport marked VRR (Verkehrsverbund-Rhein-Ruhr). Further information at

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