For tradeshow exhibitors, printing and shipping sales literature to hand out in their booth at an event can be expensive and time-consuming, not to the mention the negative impact the paper waste has on the environment. To combat these issues, CompuSystems Inc. (CSI) has developed an electronic literature solution that makes disseminating marketing materials to attendees both easy and inexpensive.
Exhibitors can also get follow-up literature more quickly into the hands of leads they meet at a show, and increase their company exposure with potential leads they might never meet with.
Exhibitors who purchase CSI’s electronic literature package can then have sales slicks, brochures and other marketing materials uploaded in a PDF format, which CSI then makes available to attendees for download. Attendees are able to access the exhibitor literature within the dashboard located on their registration website in ConnectME Mobile — the show’s mobile app and via the BuyerConnect post-show lead follow-up portal (all three supplied by CSI). If an exhibitor purchases the electronic literature package coupled with CompuLEAD Smart, CSI’s mobile app for lead retrieval, they can also send the literature immediately to an attendee after meeting in their booth, directly from within the app.
In addition to reduced printing and shipping costs, exhibitors who take advantage of CSI’s electronic literature option also avoid the literature paper-jam carried around by attendees walking the tradeshow floor, and boost their company exposure at an event. In turn, these benefits increase an exhibitor’s return on investment from exhibiting, something on the minds of most show organizers.