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Greetings to readers everywhere!

As our staff diligently puts the final touches on this – the final print edition of 2009 – we feel the pain of many in the industry. The majority of people that I have spoke with are looking forward to saying “goodbye” to 2009 and looking to welcome in 2010 even though no one knows what exactly the new year will bring.

From tradeshow venues and general contractors to fabricators, suppliers and workers in the field, most everyone has been affected by the general downturn. I’m certainly not saying there are not companies doing well in spite of the economy and changing industry environment, but the number is sparse in comparison to yesteryears’ widespread prosperity that is becoming more of a distant memory as each month turns to the next.

What is on the horizon?
This month’s cover feature on the state of the industry provides key insight as to what may lay ahead. Industry leaders representing large and small design/build companies from various geographic regions talk plain English and share their differing opinions. Many are optimistic on the future but agree that key things need to be addressed.

This, That and Other
Be sure to catch up on all the regional news, awards received and interesting and effective projects recently staged. Plus, we have our regular features tracking people on the move throughout the industry and don’t miss this month’s insightful views from, what I consider, the best group of columnists in the industry.
Until next month…I’ll see you on the Web!

Don Svehla
Group Publisher

  • Superior Logistics

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