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HCEA panel to discuss patient centric exhibiting


Implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has put pressure on doctors and health care companies to focus on preventative care and early patient intervention.

The HCEA Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas, scheduled for June 24, will address some important considerations as patients will have to assume more responsibility for their own personal health management.

Entitled “Patient Centric Exhibiting,” the session at HCEA will address the increased demand for advice and information from health advocacy groups as well as more patient education on specific medical conditions and diseases, treatments and protocols from the pharmaceutical industry than ever before.

Felicia Maffia, exhibit development manager, The Pacific Science Center, finished a three-year project called “Wellbody Academy.” Although she had much more time to develop her museum exhibit than tradeshow exhibitors have, she will share best practices at this session.

Ann Marie Bermudez, senior manager, Conventions and Association Relations, Daiichi Sankyo, Inc., is using an interactive in her exhibit that generates on-the-spot patient education information. Doug Brown, VP of Sales, McCallan Health, will talk about the development of this interactive, and Tony Erpelding, VP Creative Services at Group Delphi, will discuss how storytelling and creating a context is central to patient education.

“I interviewed Felicia Maffia for a completely different reason, and I was blown away by the process she used to create the ‘Wellbody Academy’ and the way she created an entire back-story and staged the parts of the exhibit,” said Pat Friedlander, who will moderate and add some industry perspective to the session. “Then I saw the Daiichi Sankyo interactive at a show and knew that this was something we had to talk about at HCEA.

“We’re entering a new phase of medical exhibits and patient education, one that informs the patient and notches up the dialog between doctor and patient. And yet, we still have to do this in a way that engages the audiences, that delivers content in a manner that it is memorable and has a long-lasting impact. This session will explore the process of developing patient education materials and exhibits by looking at the extended process a museum exhibit manager underwent and an interactive currently used in a pharmaceutical exhibit.”

  • Superior Logistics

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