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IELA New Chairperson and Dublin Post Event Report



After the celebration of the International Exhibition Logistics Association’s 30th anniversary last year the new decade started with the biggest congress to date – an overwhelming success.

Almost 400 delegates made the 5th IELA Partnering Event the biggest industry event at all times. Displaying the ever increasing interest and growth in the industry, the numerously attending delegates were a clear indicator for IELA being a driving force for training, knowledge and networking platforms in the industry around the globe.

The 2016 results:

  • 241 delegates representing 128 companies from 48 countries joined the 31 st IELA Congress
  • 389 delegates representing 220 companies from 55 countries attended the 5 th Partnering Event
  • Over 3.080 meetings took place during the Congress and PE networking sessions

The formal 2016 General Assembly opened proceedings with a brief report of IELA´s Chairman Christoph Rauch and Vice Chairwoman Mariane Ewbank as well as the Treasurer´s Report by Ulrich Kasimir. This was followed by the re-election of five Board Members: Vicki Bedi (PS Bedi Group, India), Feyzan Erel (GRUPTRANS Co., Inc., Turkey), Achim Lotzwick (Cretschmar MesseCargo GmbH, Germany) Christoph Rauch (BTG Messe-Spedition GmbH, Germany) and James Ng (Transit Air Cargo Singapore Pte. Ltd, Singapore). Guido Fornelli (Expotrans SpA, Italy) was elected into the Board of Management.

With over 88% of the votes, Mariane Ewbank (pictured above – Fulstandig Shows E Eventos MC Ltda., Brazil) has been elected as IELA’s first Chairwoman.

For the complete report, visit


  • Superior Logistics

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