January 12, 1950-May 9, 2021
Daryl Thomas Clove passed away in his sleep May 9 in his second home in Enterprise, Utah, at the age of 71. He had spent 39 years working for GES, beginning in 1971 at Las Vegas Transfer & Storage which became United Exposition in 1986 and was bought by GES in 1988. He started as a freight manager and was promoted several times including to VP Freight in 1994, EVP Freight/Acting EVP Production in 1996, EVP/GM–GES Las Vegas in 1997, EVP of Operations in 2000 and retiring as EVP, National Accounts in 2010.
Daryl (pictured above and left) was born on January 12, 1950, to Thomas Alvy and Thelma Neilson Clove in Provo, Utah, where his father was playing football for BYU. He grew up in Henderson with his four brothers. In his childhood, he enjoyed spending summers with his maternal grandfather, ranching cattle in southern Utah. After graduating from Basic High School in Henderson, Daryl served as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for two years in Texas, teaching in Spanish. Upon returning home, he married his high school sweetheart, Addie Marie Bowler, on June 24, 1972. They proceeded to raise a family of six children (two boys and four girls). Having no more than a high school education, Daryl started work as a truck driver with his father. With a strong work ethic and dedication, he rose to become a national officer of GES Exposition, producing conventions and tradeshows. He retired from GES Exposition in April 2010, only to lose both his wife and his mother later that same year. Daryl loved the outdoors. He enjoyed hunting, camping, and fishing, as well as riding horses with family and friends, throughout his life. In retirement, Daryl returned to his roots and took up farming and ranching in Enterprise, Utah, which he did until his death. He was a loving “Bampa” to his grandchildren.
Many industry co-workers shared their memories of him on Facebook, including Ken McAvoy (pictured left), EVP at Informa, Global Exhibitions, who wrote, “Loss of a Quiet Giant! In life you meet may people who influence not only your life, but the tradeshow and convention industry as a whole. Some do it in a ‘quiet’ way and obtain your appreciation and respect from that never is forgotten. This past week we lost such and individual in Daryl Clove in Las Vegas. Dedicated to his family first….and the industry second…we have lost a ‘Quiet Giant’. Rest in Peace my friend! Everyone is better off by knowing and appreciate what you did for
our industry. We will all miss you!”
Hugh Sinnock (pictured right) agreed, and wrote, “Well stated, Ken. We have lost a great friend to so many in our industry.” Rip Rippetoe concurred, writing, “I learned so much from Daryl over the years. I will miss him. Thanks for the words Ken. Couldn’t agree more.” Barry Rappaport added, “Ken, Thanks for your post and words that describes my feelings as well. Daryl was respected by all & influenced so many people. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.”
Fred Buonacorsi (pictured left) shared that “Daryl was a strong influencer of so many of our careers. His knowledge was great, his demeanor was strong but fair. Daryl was a good person and a friend. He will be missed by many.” Frank McCrary wrote, “RIP Daryl! a great man and a fantastic planner!” Steve Anderson added, “He mentored so many of us! He is missed and loved!” Steve Moody shared, “I had the pleasure in working with Daryl many times. He was a true professional and one hell of a guy.”
Marybeth Liberty (pictured right) wrote, “Very sad to hear, he was truly one of the best. I first met Daryl when my career started way back when at the Sands and I learned so much from him. Rest In Peace. Prayers and love to his family and friends.” Bob Kneesel added, “You are all correct. He was a man of few words but when he did speak people listened.”
GES EVP Exhibitions Jeff Quade (pictured left) wrote a beautiful tribute and sent it to the family (see his tribute below). On social media he wrote, “I told his family that Daryl was a humble leader that had an incredible internal compass that allowed him to go “North.” The ability to go North through all obstacles and deliver on his commitments, endeared him to many. His humility and integrity, made him a great leader, co-worker and friend to many.”
He is survived by his four brothers: Terrill (Mareli), Craig, Kevin, and Kelly (Karen); six children: Lonny (Tami) Clove, Sheree (Eric) Rowe, Heather (Mike) Bryant, Heidi (Brent) Barlow, Rochelle Clove, and Jake (Kassie) Clove; 20 grandchildren: Aubree (William), Dillon, Garrett, Jenna, Wyatt, John, Emma, Brock, Tyler, Sadie, Levi, Bridget, Addie, Zachary, Bronson, McKinney, Blake, Porter, Landrie, and Jaelie; and 1 great-grandchild: Primalynn.
His funeral was held May 20 in Henderson and he was interned next to his wife in The Enterprise City Cemetery. To share a memory or condolences, please visit www.metcalfmortuary.com/obituary/daryl-clove
GES EVP Exhibitions Jeff Quade’s Tribute to Daryl
“I had the privilege of working alongside Daryl for the last decade of his career at GES. It would be easy to speak to Daryl’s professional accomplishments, the number of employees he led, revenue and profit he generated, his technical freight expertise, the size of the shows or the significance of those shows to the business, but those do not define Daryl from my point of view. What I want his family and friends to remember are the character traits, that made him the leader, co-worker, and friend to everyone assembled here today.
There are three traits that to me define who Daryl was:
The first, is Daryl had a tremendous internal “North Star.” I do not know if it was from years of being outside, his love of hunting, but his ability to know how to get “North” through any situation was incredible. That confidence and conviction empowered many to follow him, to believe that any obstacle could be overcome and that ability to lead, endeared him to his clients. I had a big brother—little brother work relationship with Daryl. I do not need to explain to the family the dynamics of the sibling balance of power. Let me assure you, I was the little brother, and from time to time my big brother had to keep me in line. Today, if I close my eyes, I can see Daryl asking me into his office, sitting at his desk, arms crossed and looking over his glasses, to tell me he was disappointed.
Disappointed Daryl meetings were never fun.
Daryl would explain his point of view, his conviction of how or what we should do, and we would generally close our meeting with me understanding and agreeing to his point of view and a handshake … after the handshake, there was no mistaking who was in charge!
The second trait is Honor and Integrity. Daryl Clove was one of the most honorable individual I have had the opportunity to work with. Along with his internal “North Star,” he walked the talk. As I got to know him personally over the years and he shared with me his faith, I understood the foundation of his honor. Daryl was not one to carry his emotions and feelings on his sleeves, he felt the best way to witness in a professional setting, was to live out the values of his faith. At no time, did I ever question his integrity and that core value of honor and integrity allowed his employees, clients, and partners to trust him.
His word was unquestionable.
The third and final trait is Humility. Teddy Roosevelt famously said, ‘Speak softly and carry a big stick.’ Daryl spoke softly, yielded great influence and was one of the humblest individuals in our industry. An industry that is not shy of big egos and excessive hubris. Daryl had all the individual accomplishments that would have been easy to brag about, but he choose to let others take center stage, and was more than willing to chart a course North, with integrity and humility.
On behalf of the entire GES organization, I want to thank you for sharing your brother, father, uncle and grandfather with us. We are eternally grateful.
Thank you.