The International Tourism Safety Association, Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and the Las Vegas Security Chiefs Association will host the 25th International Tourism Security Conference at the Treasure Island–TI Hotel & Casino on April 15-18.
The International Tourism Security Conference gathers safety and security officials in the travel and tourism industry and focuses on providing delegates with new information, trends, equipment, strategies and best practices in keeping visitors safe. New this year, Crimes, Crisis and the Media presentation has been added to the program. In addition, A Tourism Oriented Policing and Protective Services (TOPPS) certification course will also be offered.
“The safety and security of visitors and residents is a top priority for any destination’s tourism industry, so it’s imperative to be aware of the current trends and information,” says Ray Suppe, president of the International Tourism Safety Association and executive director of customer safety for the LVCVA. “For more than two decades, Las Vegas has proudly hosted this important conference where tourism security officials can come together to learn, grown and develop professionally.”
Conference presentations will address such issues as tourism security, the view from India, exploring the thematics of tourism and terrorism, making safety and security a requirement in hospitality training, art crime and museums, prevention measures and security, an emerging tourism concern–threats from intentional use of chemicals and biological agents and naturally occurring infectious diseases, tourism security–the Israeli model of security regulation and more. Global events continue to show the importance of crisis communication and positive relationships with the media.
Nevada Peace Officers can earn more than 16 hours of continued education through the Nevada Peace Officers’ Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) by attending the 25th International Tourism Security Conference.
Confirmed speakers at this year’s conference include Kwayke Donkor, chief executive officer, Africa Tourism Partners, Johannesburg, South Africa; Phillippe Francois, chief executive officer, Francois-Tourisme-Consultants, Paris, France; Ashok Hukku, Y.S.M., major general (retired), Pune, India; Frank Haas, Kapi’olani Community College, Honolulu, Hawaii; Saŝa Kuhar, Ph.D., Security Services, faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Solvenia, Ljubljana, Solvenia; M. Luis, General Police of Mossos d’Esquadra, Barcelona, Spain; Perry Novotny, ESQ., Perry Novotny, Attorneys at Law, Ramat Gan, Israel; Gerald Parker, Ph.D., Global One Health, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biochemical Sciences, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas; Joe Robinson, lieutenant, Reno Police Department, Reno, Nevada; and Peter E. Tarlow, Ph.D., president/CEO, Tourism & More, Inc., College Station, Texas.
For more info or to register for the conference, visit