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ISA Partner+ Program Offers Flexibility and Creativity

submitted by ISA Partner+

ISA Partner+ Program Offers Flexibility and Creativity to Reach International Sign Association Audiences Year-Round. It extends the reach of ISA International Sign Expo exhibitors year-round, generating qualified leads at the sign industry’s largest gathering and beyond.

Designed with the ultimate flexibility

The ISA Partner + Program is designed with the ultimate flexibility. The awards-based program features three spending tiers. It allows exhibitors to take advantage of the association’s digital offerings, events, research or networking opportunities. Program will most likely reach their key marketing segments. Each spending level unlocks additional activations and is based on combined sponsorship of ISA International Sign Expo and ISA programs throughout the year. It also offers unprecedented flexibility, allowing partners to achieve goals and objectives as business needs change.

Unique opportunity

“This truly is a unique opportunity to get in front of sign, graphics and visual communications company decision-makers,” says Craig Campbell, ISA’s vice president of business development. “Corporate sponsorships paint companies into a box; the benefits they receive may not be relevant or align with their annual goals.”

Partner+ sponsorships can range from ISA webinars, increased visibility at ISA International Sign Expo, white glove exhibitor services and VIP matchmaking events. Partner+ benefits can be unlocked with a moderate annual spend and benefits increase as the sponsorship extends into additional tiers.

Those interested in learning more about ISA Partner + should contact Campbell at

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