Louisville CVB makes staff changes

Louisville Convention & Visitors Bureau, which enhances Louisville’s economy through tourism, appointed one employee and promoted another.

Named as the new communication manager is Christa Ritchie, who will be responsible for development and implementation of publicity plans for the leisure tourism segment, including marketing materials and earned media.

Before coming to the Bureau, Ritchie was an award-winning feature reporter, celebrity “Buzz” columnist and style writer for The Courier-Journal, Louisville’s daily newspaper, where she worked for 15 years.  Ritchie is a graduate of Western Kentucky University with a Bachelor of Arts in Print Journalism.

The Bureau promoted Lindsay Wimsatt to merchandise coordinator at the Visitor Information Center (VIC). Wimsatt previously worked as services assistant in the Bureau Services Department.  She joined the Bureau in February 2011 as a Visitors Center representative and was promoted to services assistant in May 2011.

Starting Sept. 23, Wimsatt will provide service to guests in the VIC and assist the Visitor Services manager with the day-to-day operation of the Visitors Center; manage the Merchandising Program; assist with all initiatives of the Tourism Department; and provide back-up support and assistance with the implementation of the Volunteer Program.

She graduated from Sullivan University with an associate degree in Travel, Tourism and Event Management.

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