Mirror Show Management Promotes Kyle Rader, Josh Klino, and Jacob Ross

Mirror Show Management has promoted Kyle Rader to woodshop foreman, and Josh Klino and Jacob Ross (pictured above, L-R) to warehouse team leads.

Rader started with Mirror Show Management in 2015 as a custom fabricator. As shop foreman, his responsibilities will include improving process, production capabilities and creative thinking in their custom wood shop. Rader resides in Rochester, NY.

Ross and Klino both started with Mirror Show Management in 2015 as warehouse coordinators. Their promotions to warehouse team leads will include managing a team of warehouse coordinators to ensure that all shows are pulled, packed and inventoried to the company’s high standards. Ross resides in Rochester, NY. and Klino resides in North Rose, NY.

MSM congratulates all on a job well done.

Mirror Show Management is a customer experience agency specializing in trade shows and events. MSM was the first agency to be RFP-certified by the Experiential Designers and Producers Association, is listed on Event Marketer’s Fab 50 List of the most elite exhibit companies and has been named a Top Workplace for four consecutive years. For more info, visit www.mirrorshow.com. 

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