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National TradeShow Alliance Looks Back at 2021 & Forward to 2022

by Laura Palker (pictured right), president & CEO, National TradeShow Alliance

LauraPalker-As 2022 approaches, we are optimistic about our return to work and the opportunities that will be uncovered for our industry. We are excited to open our online membership directory. The directory, a password-protected area that is only accessible to members, gives a true value and benefit for those seeking work and those with job positions open. Having access to the talent and skill of our membership has already yielded work and provided skilled workforce resources to members. In addition to the ECN Job Board, the Membership Directory adds a personalized approach for working together for successful outcomes.

Looking back over the past year, we have laid the groundwork for connecting, supporting and developing our workforce. In the new year more structured networking opportunities will exist along with educational webinars that will help members refresh skills and learn from the library of knowledge being built on demand. All meetings and webinars will be 30 minutes to allow greater participation. Programs will have a specific focus to help attendees better organize their time.

We have upgraded our calendar, so you can easily access what is available at any time. Join members once a month for Mastermind Monday, a topic-focused discussion, with a solution-based perspective. Tune-Up Tuesdays will be a learning session, to help you find everything you need to know—from the “Language of TradeShows” to “How to Pack.” If you can’t find what you are looking for, we are here to help, and our member services team will jump in to help. What’s Up Wednesday Zoom meetings will be the “Cliff Notes” from the good works of industry leaders. A brief update on advocacy action items, tradeshow schedules, new paradigm shifts and innovations in technology. Thirsty Thursday Zoom meetings will be a fun way to end the month and share our new stories.

We now have access to Teledoc services, you can find the details on our website under Member Benefits and affinity programs for member savings are ready to launch in the new year.

Watch for new information on our February 10 Virtual Conference and Sponsor Showcase. The content, educational track, games and prizes along with meeting people around the world who fill the ranks of road warriors will make for an incredibly rewarding day. Can’t make it on February 10? Access to education and sponsors will be on demand for 30 days. For more info or to register, visit https://ntsa2022.vfairs.com/

NTSA Member Spotlight on David Ravitch

David RavitchDavid Ravitch (pictured left) has owned and worked for companies that produce tradeshow and point-of-purchase graphics and displays for tradeshows, events and permanent installations for five decades. His duties included ordering materials, purchasing equipment, as well as hiring employees, and oversight of graphic production. He was also responsible for new product development and research and development of new processes and techniques for finishing and installing graphics. His career started as an artisan and advanced with the advent of technology. His skills include working with Illustrator, Photoshop and Onyx Postershop rip software, as well as the office software of Acrobat, Excel and Microsoft Word.

He operated wide-format printers, laminated and finished graphics. In 2013, his oversight was valuable in the launch of a new program, Exhibitforce, an app that provided client asset management solutions. His understanding of process helped with setting up the program within the company, as well as directing the training of personnel.

More recently, Ravitch has worked closely with the director of marketing and technology, to research and then transition operations to a cloud server, AWS, and implement VOIP phone service.

Running full circle, he expanded his skills to include project management, presentation and client support.

Ravitch hails from Brooklyn, New York, and is ready to work. He is available for permanent or project-based work. Contact Candi.Nickerson@nationaltradeshowalliance.org at the National TradeShow Alliance for an e-introduction.

This story originally appeared in the Jan./Feb./Mar. 2022 issue of Exhibit City News, p. 62. For original layout, visit https://issuu.com/exhibitcitynews/docs/ecn_q1_2022

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