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New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center “Geauxs Blue” for New Orleans Police Department

n-orleans-blueEmployees of the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center rallied behind police officers on “Geaux Blue NOLA Day” by donning all shades of blue clothing to show their support. The Convention Center also turned its building lights blue and displayed a message on the marquee outside of the building.

The New Orleans City Council declared September 7, 2016 as “Geaux Blue NOLA Day,” in support of police officers who serve and protect the community. Everyone who lives, works and plays in New Orleans were asked to support the New Orleans Police Department and their families by wearing blue clothing, blue ribbons on lapels, tying blue bows on trees, or turning their home and business lights blue.

“Geaux Blue NOLA Day is an occasion for us to express our appreciation for law enforcement officers, and work collaboratively to improve their practices and increase public safety,” said Bob Johnson, president and general manager of the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.

For more info, visit Geaux Blue NOLA Day.

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