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New solutions, ideas came out of tumultuous year

activeevents-thumbAll in all, 2009 was a difficult year for the corporate events industry. Reduced budgets, lower attendance and even a spate of cancellations were unfortunately the norm. While many will regard 2009 as one of the most tumultuous years for the events industry, for many event technology providers, it represented an opportunity to re-think event measurement and introduce new solutions to better enable strategic event management for the next decade.

With the release of ActiveEvents Conference 6.0, the corporate event industry now has tools to deploy new, complex events in a more profitable and transparent manner. A global events dashboard provides insight into every event with fingertip access to global and single-event success metrics.

Online registration is a relatively mature industry, but the ability to offer customized and integrated solutions is still outside of the norm. While many solutions only offer limited integrations and software customizations, Conference 6.0 continues to lead the industry on both fronts with an enterprise-capable platform that can be used to manage hundreds of ongoing events. The breadth of capability continues with the latest release as it remains the most full-featured end-to-end event management software platform.

As we look forward to 2010 and beyond, measurement will be king and flexibility will be queen as event marketers look to become more efficient, attract more audience and increase the value of each attendee. The events landscape will continue to include both live and virtual events with a hefty dose of hybrid events. The Conference 6.0 platform has been well-proven in live, virtual and hybrid events that require extensive integrations and customizations.


  • Superior Logistics

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