September 7, 2024 6:24 PM
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Not Just for Function. It’s Art.

by the Aluvision team

When you think “contemporary art,” names like David Hockney, Andy Warhol, and Banksey likely come to mind. In the events and exhibit world, it should also stir up another name—Aluvision.

Aluvision’s patented aluminum frame system offers unlimited solutions for those looking to create standout, immersive brand environments at any event, show, or festival. We focus on the details, and the artistry of modular exhibit systems in everything we ideate, engineer, and manufacture. But why?

Aluvision’s mission is to ensure creativity is never stifled. For our customers, this means creating the (nearly) impossible for exhibits. And for their customers, it’s about allowing the wildest event ideas to become reality. We design our modular systems from the perspective of both artistry and engineering ingenuity. This is more than making structures that can be interchanged for multiple uses to realize event designs. Aluvision makes immersive, flexible art.

At 20 years old, we’re well-practiced at our craft. But artistry is in our blood. It makes up our DNA and the base of who we are, even before Aluvision was born. Did you know that the father of Aluvision co-founder Dirk Deleu, Guido Deleu, is a renowned artist and sculptor of the famous “The Visitor” statue? Created for the main entrance of a cultural center in Flanders, Belgium, “The Visitor” embodies a kind and friendly figure, hands in pocket, humbly enjoying a view of artwork. It’s this stance for appreciating art, and the works of others, that builds the backbone of Aluvision as a company.

Dirk, along with Ann Vancoillie, molded their path to modular exhibit systems from shared values of passion, artistry, and endless possibilities. It should come as no surprise, then, that Aluvision’s vision is to inspire and connect partners on their creative journey to design and build complete event environments.

With a constant focus on durability, precision, flexibility, and modularity, our future-forward mindset propels Aluvision R&D initiatives to continuously solve our customers’ current design challenges and create solutions for tomorrow’s needs. And like contemporary art, our work is ever evolving.

Over the years, we’ve reimagined how exhibit designers and event producers can build out immersive brand environments. With anodized aluminum profiles at 20-foot lengths, walls of any span can be created with confidence in their strength and sturdiness. Bold statements and striking shapes are easily configured with rectangular corners, and for softer edges and enveloping areas we have several curved corner options. Like a work of art, these designs can be painted using substrates like plexiglass, Aluvibond or Dibond®, and other infills, SEG fabrics, and LED video tiles. Lightboxes with fully edge-lit graphics are a guarantee with our tapered frames, ensuring our customers can provide their clients with captivating, vibrant visual displays. In short: Aluvision’s frame system is the canvas on which event designers craft their masterpiece.

And with the call for engaging event experiences pushing video technology to new heights, Aluvision has sculpted an entire line of patented indoor and outdoor LED tiles for floors, walls, and tunnels. Convex and concave configurations can be created to build out intricate footpaths and unique visual displays. Three-dimensional structures with truly seamless, edge-to-edge screen capabilities are not just a dream, but vivid reality with Aluvision. Versatility is our greatest aim. Art is subjective and ours is meant to be used in infinite ways to realize any design possibility.

But it’s not just our focus on the main framework that makes Aluvision a standout event partner. Like a master painter, we have an eye for detail and finishing touches. Powder coated frames in any color help event designers to bring a brand’s personality to the forefront. Our cover profiles allow greater widths for structures without added interior frames, and seamless edges are achieved with our specialized corner pieces. With our LED lit Ledline cover profiles, eye-catching accents and bold outlines elevate any design. Additionally, our specialized wooden shutters and louvres allow warmth to be added to an enclosure or to softly divide any space.

Our technical designers and innovation teams have curated solutions for every design, and continually collaborate with partners and customers to push beyond the original intentions of our frames into new realms of possibility.

At Aluvision, we welcome you to craft your next event masterpiece with our modular, sustainable, and elegantly artistic systems.


This story originally appeared in the Q1 2024 issue of Exhibit City News, p. 56. For original layout, visit For the latest news on Aluvision, go to

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