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Offsetting Carbon Emissions at the IFES Masterclass November 2023

Submitted by Robyn D’Alessandro, IFES AISBL


With sustainability a high priority in the Exhibition industry, the International Federation of Exhibition and Event Services (IFES) is taking steps to measure and offset all IFES events going forward, raising awareness amongst its members and encouraging them to contribute on an event-by-event basis towards carbon neutral events.

The upcoming IFES Masterclass 2023 taking place from 20-22 November in Frankfurt will be no exception, inviting attendees to each offset a portion of the CO2 emissions with a nominal one-off payment of 18,25EUR on this event. This payment is calculated to cover an estimated average 365 kg of carbon emissions per person (including a 1000km economy flight, 3 hotel nights, 7 meals and 100km of local train transport).

100% of this donation will be allocated to the FAMAB Stiftung FAMAB-Forest project in the Mamoni Valley, Panama where valuable rainforest areas have been lost due to illegal clearing. Many of IFES’ members contributed to the initiation of this German-based project, so it is a choice that is already close to IFES hearts. In contrast to supporting existing projects, ForestFinance, FAMAB’s partner in forest investment, is creating a completely new forest in this a biodiversity hotspot, whose conservation and promotion makes a decisive contribution to global biodiversity as well as contributing to the social security of local workers and their families.  The decision to create this gold-standard project took into consideration that being located close to the equator, the forests will grow faster with a resultant quicker Co2 reduction. In addition FAMABs local provider has built a wood-processing factory so the wood processed in Panama stays in Panama.  Read more here Startseite – FAMAB Stiftung

As always, IFES MasterClasses are focused on driving industry growth and inter-committee engagement, so the opportunities to mix and mingle are abundant.

Aside from engaging with colleagues and peers on a business level, this year’s MasterClass comes with a generous side serving of fun, so attendees can expect to relax, enjoy, and make lasting memories. Learn more about the event:

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