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Orbus Recycles 75% of Waste in 2023 & Divers 1.6M LBS. of Waste From Landfills

submitted by Samantha Davis, Marketing Specialist, Orbus

Woodridge, IL – Orbus® eagerly anticipates the celebration of Earth Day as a moment to recognize environmental achievements and the importance of recycling and environmental awareness.

With an established commitment to protecting the planet, Orbus places a premium on environmental awareness in all aspects of its operations. It recognizes that the world’s natural resources are limited and fragile and considers environmental awareness a must. For over a decade, Orbus has proudly recycled 75% of its total waste, diverting more than 10 million pounds from landfills. In 2023 alone, Orbus recycled over 1.6 million pounds of cardboard, paper, aluminum, fabric, plastic, steel, wood, and other materials, eliminating 80% of its waste from landfills.

Orbus has built and maintained a recycling program that separates recycled waste into categories such as cardboard, paper, aluminum, fabric, steel, and other. Orbus recycles 100% of its fabric and has campaigns set in place to further minimize waste and reprints. This year, Orbus is working with a new wood recycler, Jimenez Pallets, Inc., who turns wood waste into new pallets or into mulch if the waste is not salvageable.

Orbus headquarters has 100% motion-sensor LED lighting, water dispensers placed throughout the facility, automatic water fixtures, a product rental program to limit waste, and engineers and designs products for longevity.

Orbus has been ISO 14001:2015 certified since 2010. This certification acknowledges our environmental management system that minimizes our impact on the environment in the design, manufacture, and storage of trade show displays and accessories.

As Earth Day approaches, Orbus emphasizes its mission to lead by example and inspire others to embrace eco-conscious practices for a healthier, greener future.

“It’s truly inspiring to witness Orbus’ evolution towards greater eco-consciousness,” said Vice President of Marketing, Natalie Whited. “We’re proud of the progress we’ve made, but even more excited to continually implement more green practices in years to come.”


About Orbus:

Orbus specializes in the design, production, and wholesale trade only distribution of exhibit and display products, graphics and solutions. Orbus combines innovative technology with artistry and craftsmanship to provide an unrivaled spectrum of supply, support, and service to its network. Orbus’ endorsed brands include The Exhibitor’s Handbook®, The Promo Handbook™, and SignPro Systems®. Orbus operations reside in Chicago, IL and Las Vegas, NV.

Orbus is a proud member of ISA, PRINTING United Alliance, EDPA, ASI, PPAI, UPIC, and SAGE; the company boasts G7 Master IDEAlliance certification and is registered to ISO 9001:2015 for the highest manufacturing quality standards and ISO 14001:2015 for its environmental management system.

Orbus is a part of Orbus Visual Communications® Group, a market-leading group of brands in North America that specialize in the manufacture of visual communications solutions for exhibits/live events, retail and interiors. Brands within the group include Orbus®, Nimlok®, SEG Systems®, SEG Services® and Fabric Images®.

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