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Registration is Now Open for the Classic EDPA NE Golf Tournament

by Kerstan Kerstan Szczepanski, Exhibit City News


It’s that time of the year again, and that means it’s time to talk about The Classic EDPA Northeast Golf Tournament! Coming to the Shaker Hills Country Club (146 Shaker Road, Harvard, MA) in the second week of September, the Experiential Designers and Producers Association Northeast will shake up Shaker Hills with a few additions to the annual charity event.

Tournament co-chair and Vice President of the EDPA Northeast chapter Jillian Fafard explains, “The Classic has been a charity golf tournament that the Northeast Chapter has been putting on for years and that has been widely participated in. But in the last several years there’s been a decline in ‘new faces’ for attendees and sponsors, so to rejuvenate excitement and participation for this fun day of industry socializing, we’ve reworked our sponsorship opportunities to provide new options for companies to get their brand in front of industry peers.”

What are these new opportunities for sponsors? Well first, there’s the chance to win a $25,000 CASH PRIZE for getting a hole-in-one at Hole #16! Then there is the Hole Game sponsorship. The sponsoring company gets to come up with a game for a particular hole (approved by Shaker Hills), and the proceeds raised in participation of the game will be donated directly to the chosen charity. The sponsor will pay for or donate items they want to use in the game. A furniture rental company could donate a couch to be placed on the green for golfers to hit from the Tee-box and gain a Mulligan for that hole. The goal is to have one of these games every three holes or so; there’s already interest from sponsors so there’s at least three for this year‘s golfers to play.”


Left to right: Mike Belanger, Two Jax; Kevin Scharfstein 2XL Imaging; Rob Mickiewicz 2XL Imaging; Lauren Miller, Team Worldwide

This year the charity has special meaning. “The fundraiser is always scheduled for the first Monday after Labor Day, and this year it is 9/11.” Fafard says. “We decided to select a 9/11 organization as this year’s recipient, and after consideration of several, we chose HEART 9/11. HEART (Healing Emergency Aid Response Team) 9/11 was formed after 9/11 and now supports all disaster relief aid with projects like rebuilding homes, retrofitting homes for injured first responders and resiliency and stress management programs for first responders.”

Speaking for the charity, HEART 9/11 Vice President, John Moran says, “We are proud to say that 93% of the monies we raise through donations go directly to our programs. HEART 9/11 is an organization that was born from the attacks in 2001. Dedicated volunteers of first responders and NYC trades workers came together after that attack not only to provide aid to the victims but to help folks affected by the effects of the disaster. We all have a commitment to ‘pay forward’ the compassion and help we received from around the world.” HEART 9/11 website:

Registration check-in will be the morning of the Classic, Monday, September 11th, 2023 at 7:30 am with a 9:00 am shotgun start! Golfer registration is $200 (includes practice range, putting green, breakfast, 18 holes of golf with a cart, lunch & 1 drink ticket) and non-golfing attendees can enter for $50 (includes lunch & 1 drink ticket).  For more information, click HERE .


*Featured photo: (EDPA NE Board and Members) From left to right, back row: Rob Mickiewicz, 2XL Imaging – Member, Nick Katsafanas, Access TCA – Treasurer, Melisa Burrell, Aluvision – Member, Mike DeQuattro, Access TCA – Member & Sponsorship Director, Sarah Fantauzzi, Willwork – Board of Directors, Kayla Gott, Agam – Secretary.  From left to right, front row: Lauren Miller, Team Worldwide – Board of Directors, Caitlyn Correia, BlueHive Exhibits – Member, Ashley Balassone, CSI Worldwide – President, Jillian Fafard, BlueHive Exhibits – Vice President.


Eagle Level Sponsor: Donovan Logistics, 2XL Imaging, Elevation3D, ICL Imaging, Hill & Partners, Sacks Exhibits, BlueHive Exhibits, Par Level Sponsor, EFW Tradeshow

Hole Game Sponsor: Trussworks (Prism Lighting Group), VectorFive

Single Hole Sponsors: Classic Exhibits, Team Worldwide, Available Light Inc., Creative Dimensions

Cart Sponsor: Classic Exhibits

Breakfast & Lunch Sponsor: Brumark

Beverage Sponsor: Fusion Imaging

Hole-in-One Insurance Sponsor: Display Supply & Lighting

Photography Sponsor: Exposures Ltd

Media Sponsor: Exhibit City News

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