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IATSE organizes freight handlers at Champion Exposition

On Mar. 31, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Region 15 conducted an election in New Orleans on behalf of a group of freight handlers seeking representation by IATSE Local 39, the union for professional stagehands, motion picture technicians and allied crafts, with Champion Exposition Services, LLC.  Champion Exposition is a national general service contractor in the tradeshow industry.

Thirty-three voters became eligible based on a stipulated election agreement between the IATSE and the employer.  Ten eligible voters cast ballots in favor of union representation, while there were no ballots cast against it. One ballot was set aside because that individual did not qualify under the stipulated eligibility formula. The employer filed no timely objections.

On Apr. 12, the IATSE and Local 39 were certified by the NLRB as the collective-bargaining representative of Champion Exposition’s freight employees. A Notice of Bargaining Obligation was issued by the Board and negotiations are underway.  In the near future, it is anticipated that a new agreement will be reached.

The IATSE is an international union that also represents members employed in the stagecraft, motion picture and television production and tradeshow industries throughout the United States, its territories and Canada.

For additional information on IATSE, visit the web site at

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