Successful people and you: What’s the difference?

Do you want to be successful? You hear success stories and wonder, “How do I get there?” The answer: Learn the difference betweenJaynie Ellison you and the professionals who are telling their success stories. Listen closely. Their stories often divulge helpful hints about reaching the pinnacle of success. Many people are not successful because they do not know what it takes to generate exceptional results. Bottom line: Close the gap between you and who you want to become.

Successful People vs. Ordinary People

1. KNOW WHAT YOU WANT: The main differentiation between successful people and ordinary people is that successful people know what they want. It is always on their mind and they work steadily toward reaching their goals. Ordinary people are living their lives without true direction. They live their lives without knowing what they want. This takes the control out of their hands. To reach your destination, be clear about what you want. Recognizing your goal will help you produce the results you desire.

2. TAKE ACTION: Successful people are proactive. They make things happen. Drive and initiative are the keys to their accomplishments. Consistent action is taken to create what they want in their lives. Ordinary people wait for things to happen. They are not doing anything to reach for their aspirations. It is easy enough for anyone they want to be top producer, to be rich, or they want to start your own business. Doing something about it is another story. Talk without action is fruitless.

3. LOVE WHAT YOU DO: Successful people are passionate about their dreams. It is their motivation. Passion drives them to take whatever actions are needed to produce the results they desire. On the other hand, ordinary people do not have a strong passion for what they do. Indifference makes them feel lousy. Do not let this happen to you. If you want to be the best, you must love what you do.

Start the journey to your destination by recognizing your skills and abilities. Identify your developed skills. Recognize your natural talents and abilities. Follow your interests. Build your personal brand. Successful people have personality and charisma. Do not be afraid to shine. Time Warner creator, Steven J. Ross said it best, “There are those who work all day. Those who dream all day. And those who spend an hour dreaming before setting to work to fulfill those dreams. Go into the third category because there’s virtually no competition.”

Jaynie Ellison is the Director of Recruitment Services at ExhibitRecruiter, Inc. Established in 1998, ExhibitRecruiter has been the premier recruitment agency specializing in the exhibit and event industry for over a decade. ExhibitRecruiter has partnered with companies of all sizes throughout the United States and Canada that specialize in exhibits, museums, environments and events. ExhibitRecruiter focuses exclusively in the experiential marketing sector. Her complete bio is on LinkedIn at: She can also be reached at Her direct line is 1-800-491-5434. For more information, go to

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