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SWIAEE Zoom Social Meet-Up Nov. 16

Wine, Food and Music at the SWIAEE November Zoom Social Meet-Up

SWIAEE invitationThe Southwest and Northern California chapters of IAEE are collaborating on this Fall inspired social meet-up on Monday, Nov. 16, 4-5 p.m. on Zoom. There will be a virtual wine tasting by Bouchaine Winery, music and Chef Lisa Cameron from Santa Rosa will be stirring it up live with creative appetizer recipes just in time for Thanksgiving.

This social meet-up is open to members and non-members of IAEE. Registration is free and donations accepted with 100 percent of proceeds going to Napa Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund.

To register, visit Registration

For more info about this event and chapter activities, visit SWIAEE and follow them on LinkedIn for industry news and member updates.

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