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The Inside Track Introduces “Good Booth Gone Bad” to Help Exhibit Houses Avoid Costly Showfloor Issues

With so many details, moving parts and short deadlines in the trade show industry, there are plenty of opportunities for “issues” to occur on the show floor. To help limit and avoid these issues, which can be very costly, The Inside Track has developed “Good Booth Gone Bad,” a customizable, educational presentation for all departments within an exhibit house that will save companies thousands of dollars in avoidable mistakes.

“Being on show floors all over the country for the last 22 years, I’ve seen first-hand how small, overlooked details can turn into very costly show site issues that usually have to be absorbed by the exhibit house”, stated Dave Sterne, founder and CEO of The Inside Track. “Not only do these unexpected issues have a negative impact on the bottom line, but they also add to the challenges of the onsite team as well as those back at the shop.”

Combining photographs from the show floor, over 20 detailed tips and a lot of humor, this 75-minute presentation is fast paced and fun while providing information that exhibit houses can use immediately to save money and have a smoother show. Covering everything from the initial design phase to improving internal communication, how to avoid show site delays and ways to quickly build relationships on show site and over the phone, this presentation is a great investment for any exhibit house, no matter the size.

This fun and interactive presentation will be led by a trade show industry veteran who is passionate about the topics and committed to helping your teams be even more successful!

Topics Include:

  • How to avoid show site issues before you arrive
  • 22 time and money saving tips
  • Closing internal communication gaps
  • Team and relationship building
  • Budget saving opportunities
  • Problem solving strategies

For More Information or to schedule a presentation, please contact Dave Sterne at 404.867.2144 or


  • Superior Logistics

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