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The Road Less Traveled

(Image of IBM Under the Surface 2023)

The Legacy of George P. Johnson

by Chris Kappes, Strategic Advisor and Writer, Exhibit City News


In the ever-evolving landscape of experiential marketing, one name commands attention: George P. Johnson (GPJ). A trailblazer synonymous with leadership, GPJ’s narrative is not confined to the digital realms of a website; it’s a living testimony to an extraordinary journey that commenced in 1914 as a modest flag-maker and sail repair shop.

Today, GPJ stands as a global powerhouse with 33 offices across the world and a formidable team of 1400 professionals, orchestrating unforgettable experiences for the ‘who’s who’ of brands.

How did GPJ navigate this remarkable evolution? What were the pivotal moments that propelled them to the forefront of the industry? What is the secret sauce that sets them apart?

To unwrap these mysteries and delve into the heartbeat of GPJ’s success, we engaged in a candid conversation with Chris Meyer, the visionary CEO, and Scott Kellner, SVP of Sales & Marketing.

From Auto Shows to Tradeshows: A Strategic Shift

By the 1990s, GPJ was the “exhibit house” of record for half the world’s auto companies exhibiting at the 100s of national and regional auto shows and events across the U.S. This required GPJ to build robust creative, account management and operational centers across the U.S. to service their clients. The automotive business and economy were changing, however, and GPJ realized it needed to diversify and change their dependency on one vertical market producing 90% of sales.

Their answer to diversification came as a Request for Proposal (RFP) from IBM in 1998 to consolidate its $80 million global tradeshow and event program involving 1000 business shows. At the time, GPJ was a 60-million dollar exhibit firm with little technology experience. Like the “little engine that could,” GPJ put together their best team of strategists to power their RFP. Climbing the IBM mountain wasn’t easy.

The IBM Connection: A Marriage That Redefined GPJ

Whether folklore or not, the pivotal moment at IBM’s world headquarters marked a turning point. Robert Vallee Sr., Chairman of GPJ at the time, attended the final pitch presentation at IBM world headquarters and asked this final question: “Are we going to date or get married?” IBM’s answer? “Let’s get married.” This forever changed the business trajectory of GPJ and IBM events around the globe. The event industry no longer thought of GPJ as just “that auto display company.”

Building a Transition Roadmap

Navigating the intricacies of revamping a 1000-show program while it was operational tested the bounds of sanity. Yet, it birthed a consolidation roadmap, creating a combined event team staffed by both companies. The history, experience, and knowledge of consolidating a global program like IBM has been the fuel to GPJ’s rocket.

“The IBM relationship has been an accelerator for us to develop a global footprint,” explains Meyer. “When you have a relationship with a global brand like IBM, it requires boots on the ground, understanding the culture and doing business in all parts of the world relevant to that brand. Working with IBM, we expanded very quickly, and used our foundation to win and secure other global accounts. But it’s not just dots on the map, but how you operate and connect employees, compliance, communication, local cultures and more.”

Interoperability: Connecting the Dots

Interoperability emerged as the linchpin for GPJ’s success, fostering a unified entity labeled “One GPJ.”  Scott Kellner emphasizes, “Below the philosophical surface you’ll find very strong tactical capabilities and inter-entity protocols, which are six miles wide and deep. We use Slack and other technology to drive collaboration. The devil is in the details.”

Diversification Continues. Project Worldwide is Born.

Diversification wasn’t limited to experiential marketing. Robert Vallee Jr., grandson of George P. Johnson, and Chairman-CEO of Project Worldwide, launched a visionary industry model in 2010 where independent, yet complimentary agencies spanning entertainment, digital, gaming, creative, media and retail, operate as accelerators to each another. Today, 14 multi-disciplinary agencies, owned and led by employees, comprise Project Worldwide, and support each other through collaboration, empowerment, community, and support.

“Our sister agencies help us connect all the dots,” shares Meyer. “About 75% of our projects include one or more Project Worldwide agencies. One recent example is a Pokémon U.S. project where OS studios (a community driven live gaming & esports agency), Spinifex Group (media content creator) and GPJ (global scalability) collaborated to win their business. As GPJ, we couldn’t have done so without our partner agencies. Bottomline, we’ve figured out how to bring together the superpowers of each agency to our clients.”

Diversification also was instrumental during the pandemic. “We leaned into our diversified agencies big time during COVID,” shared Meyer. “That played out very well for us whereas some of our competitors retrenched and are still playing catch-up.”

What’s Next: Navigating New Frontiers

The prominence of experiential marketing has grown significantly since the pandemic. New industry research suggests that 20 to 50% of 2024 B2B marketing budgets, depending upon industry, will be allocated to experiential marketing. As a result, Meyer anticipates great things for GPJ. “We expect more organic growth and expansion as our clients lean into sports, entertainment and gaming,” shares Meyer. “Vertical industries, like manufacturing, are pivoting to technology and toward experiential marketing to tell their stories. We expect these stories will increasingly be cinematic, with wide distribution and high ROI. So, events will continue to be robust content studios for marketers.”

In Meyer’s vision, GPJ’s growth is intrinsically tied to creativity, innovation, consistency, reflection, and laying the foundation for future generations. He says, “We must continue to deliver the highest level of creativity and innovation while fostering the highest level of collaboration. We must drive consistency in our operating models while respecting local cultures. And we must step back, reflect, and not be afraid of taking a fresh approach to a project and/or how we do business. We do these things right, and we’ll pave the way for future experiential marketers at GPJ and the industry in general.”

As the road less traveled by GPJ stretches into the horizon, it leaves an indelible mark not just on the legacy of experiential marketing but on the very fabric of innovation and collaboration. The tale of GPJ is a testament to the transformative power of bold decisions, strategic foresight, and unwavering commitment to excellence. Through diversification, global partnerships, and embracing the challenges of a rapidly changing world, GPJ has not only shaped its own destiny but has become a guiding light for the entire industry. The legacy of George P. Johnson stands tall, an inspiration for future generations of experiential marketers poised to tread the path less traveled.


This story originally appeared in the Q1 2024 issue of Exhibit City News, p. 18. For original layout, visit

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