EDPA Texas Brant Insero John Zipay Mark Tester
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Upcoming EDPA Events include GBAC Certification Panel & Virtual Bowling

(Pictured above: EDPA Texas GBAC Certification Panel, L-R: Brant Insero, John Zipay & Mark Tester)
edpa texas chapter logo

Aug. 18, 2 p.m. CST, Texas EDPA Hosts GBAC Certification Panel on Zoom

The Texas EDPA Chapter is excited to host a discussion panel about GBAC Certification on Aug. 18 at 2 p.m. CST, and what it means for the tradeshow and events industry industry. Their panel will include Brant Insero, John Zipay, and Mark Tester as they speak on their knowledge and experience with the GBAC certification.

ISSA’s Brant Insero will be talking about what is involved with a facility getting certified, and how will working in a certified facility affect the way our membership does business in there. The Holt Group’s John Zipay will speak about his experience getting certified, why he decided to do it and what he thinks it will do for his company. Mark Tester, the executive director of the OCCC, will discuss what the GBAC certification has done for his facility, and its impact on reopening for tradeshows and events.

Join this panel of experts as they share their insight on GBAC certification and what it means to the tradeshow industry. Register at www.eventbrite.com/e/gbac-certification-discussion-panel-tickets-116224383259  Zoom Info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86772311511pwd=RFFsOGI5cEl2T09jYVVKTFppWjI1Zz09, Meeting ID: 867 7231 1511, Passcode: 596890 EDPA SE flyer

Aug. 20, 4 p.m. EST on Zoom EDPA Southeast’s Get Out of the Gutter Goes Virtual!

Get Out of the Gutter Goes Virtual!  Specific instructions will be given once you register.  It’s a special happy hour to get out of the gutter virtually — wearing your favorite bowling shirt! Participants can win prizes so you’ll find this happy hour will be right up your alley! Turn your cameras on and make sure to have a separate screen to virtually bowl! Because that’s how we roll!

To register, visit https://southeastedpa.123signup.com/event/registration/kggvr

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