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Venture+ Forum connects health care industry

The Venture+ Forum at the mHealth Summit brings together entrepreneurs, investors and key health industry partners to foster cutting-edge collaborations and the adoption of innovative, evidence-based and outcomes-driven digital health technology solutions that meet the needs of an evolving health care ecosystem. The Venture+ Forum provides a platform for health entrepreneurs to network and connect with health care providers, payers, channels, institutions and strategic dealmakers.

Venture+ Forum Pitch Sessions will feature more than 20 mHealth startups with innovative products. Companies were selected based on criteria for demonstrated impact and quantifiable results for improving health care delivery and outcomes. 2014 Presenting Companies will deliver LIVE one-minute pitch presentations followed by facilitated conversation with digital health accelerator leaders and active investors.

WHAT:          Venture+ Forum at the 2014 mHealth Summit
WHEN:          Tuesday, Dec. 9; 3:45pm to 5:15pm
WHERE:       Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, Washington, D.C. area
WHO:            mHealth Summit is presented by the Personal Connected Health Alliance (PCHA), a collaboration between Continua, mHealth Summit and HIMSS

Investment and emerging business panel discussions at the mHealth Summit in the Ventured…Gained track include:

  • Untapped Markets in mHealth
  • Digital Health in the Doctor’s Office: The Entrepreneur Perspective
  • How to Build Sustainable Businesses: The Investor Perspective
  • MerckGHIF, Mayo Clinic and Preventice: New Remote Monitoring Mobile Technologies
  • How Can Tech Startups Work with Payors and Pharma?
  • Healthtech Acceleration: Maximizing the Value for Startups and Industry leaders

Leading affiliates and speakers include: Canaan Partners, DreamIt Ventures, HealthTech Capital, Merck Global Health Innovation Fund, Norwest Venture Partners, StartUp Health, Springboard Enterprises, HealthXL, Health Wildcatters, New York eHealth Collaborative, Maryland Israel Development Center, MedStar Institute for Innovation and Sprint Mobile Accelerator powered by Techstars.

Startup Showcase on the exhibit floor will include more than 70 new and emerging companies, incubators and accelerators as well as live demonstrations, displays and facilitated interactions.

To see a full schedule for the 2014 mHealth Summit, visit

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  • Superior Logistics

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