Cliff Wallace Receives 2020 JMIC Unity Award

Cliff Wallace received the 2020 Joint Meetings Industry Council’s Unity Award on Dec. 10 as part of the IBTM World awards program. Wallace was formally, virtually presented with the award by Kai Hattendorf, president of the JMIC, as the IBTM World had been moved online.

“In an industry that has been evolving as quickly as ours the importance of long-standing industry leaders, advocates and role-models cannot be underestimated,” says Hattendorf. “This year’s Unity Award winner exemplifies the concept of lifetime achievement, not only through his organizational affiliations but as a pioneer, educator and mentor for generations of industry participants.”

“At the same time, he played a huge role in introducing the industry and the principles it stands for into new regions at a critical point in their development. While each year we are presented with a challenge in selecting just one recipient for the Unity Award I can honestly say that this recipient is particularly deserving for both the length and breadth of his contributions.”

Wallace has had many years of service in the development, design, construction, project planning, managing, operating and day-to-day business of public assembly venue management and has elevated those venues to a respected presence in the communities in which they are located. At the same time, he has been a senior leader of numerous industry associations and a highly respected instructor / mentor in a wide range of key industry training programs. He has won a number of global awards for his work, and continues to contribute well into his semi-retirement as an industry ambassador and advisor.

The Unity Award is made annually to an individual who represents the best qualities of Meetings Industry Leadership and who has devoted major efforts to creating stronger relationships and a greater cohesion for the industry. Award criteria evaluate industry leadership and initiative both in a candidate’s own professional conduct and the efforts they put into industry-building through association, education and professional development activities.

The Joint Meetings Industry Council was established in 1978 as a vehicle for creating a forum for the exchange of information and perspectives amongst international associations engaged in various aspects of the Meetings Industry. It is dedicated to building awareness of the Meetings Industry and the value it delivers in supporting global economic, professional and organizational development. For more info, visit

JMIC supports industry networking, awards and advocacy programs, and is currently expanding its activities in the areas of information exchange, industry messaging and the development of a collective voice to advance key issues and values. Its programs are supported by partners IMEX and IBTM World, who are working actively with the Council to help it achieve its goals.

JMIC members include:

ACCLATAM, the Association of Convention Centres of the Caribbean and Latin America

AIPC, the International Association of Convention Centres

Cocal, the Latin American Confederation of PCO and Related Companies ECM, European Cities Marketing

EFAPCO, the European Federation of Associations of Professional Congress Organizers

EMECA, the European Major Exhibition Centres Association EVVC, European Association of Event Centres

IAEE, the International Association of Exhibitions and Events

IAPCO, the International Association of Professional Congress Organizers ICCA, the International Congress and Convention Association

MPI, Meeting Professionals International

PCMA, the Professional Convention Management Association

SACEOS – the Singapore Association of Convention and Exhibition Organisers and Suppliers

SISO, the Society of Independent Show Organizers SITE, Society for Incentive Travel Excellence

UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry

UIA, the Union of International Associations

JMIC is supported by Industry Partners IMEX and IBTM World

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