1882: Creating Labor Day

Although Labor Day officially came into existence as a major holiday in the U.S. in 1887, its roots go back much further. Living from 1852 to 1906, Peter J. McGuire was a co-founder for The United Brotherhood of Carpenters. He also advocated for the eight-hour work day and increased salaries. The world at large may know McGuire for becoming the first to propose the creation of Labor Day in 1882. Others, such as the Central Labor Union and the Knights of Labor, too helped promote the idea of Labor Day. Now the holiday is celebrated every first Monday in September.
1935: Regulating the Trucking Industry
Imagine what it would be like if the federal government’s Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) continued enforcing the same regulations on the trucking industry as it did in 1935. The ICC would probably have their version of a ‘pick and pack’ program declaring what type of exhibit material could be moved along a certain route and which couldn’t. They’d no doubt allow competing trucking companies to inspect and influence each other’s freight rates. This would in turn further limit the authority of trucking companies and minimize competition. In 1980, the trucking industry was partially de-regulated to rid the industry of inefficiencies caused by these practices.
2014: ICC Berlin Closes; A Cube is Born
‘Closed until further notice’ is what the official ICC Berlin website has declared since 2014. It’s doubtful the convention center will ever open again, considering the millions of euros needed to remove widespread asbestos. Even if venue manager Messe Berlin does spend the 259 million euros to correct this problem, it could take time before show organizers can trust that the venue is safe. There’s also the fact that the same year ICC Berlin shuttered, CityCube Berlin was born. Also managed by Messe Berlin, CityCube has hosted many of the events that originally booked with ICC Berlin. Prior to its closing, ICC Berlin had been in operation since 1979.